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Who knows how big transformers and lines the 36V transformer uses in lighting?
The sectional area of the wire can be calculated according to the electric power formula. The current required by the wire is calculated, and then the reference to the national standard "500 volt copper core insulated wire, long term continuous load allowable ampacity meter" is selected.
The difference between lighting transformers and control transformers
The lighting voltage is 36 and 12V, the signal lamp is 6V, the control winding is 127, 110V, the one or two insulation, and the two one is grounded.Simple lighting transformers, the two voltage is not so diverse.
How to use digital multimeter to detect the quality of 36 volt low voltage lighting transformer?
If there is no painting can be used with a diode symbol file (measuring probe connected to the capacitor to hear a sound if the table does not ring at the table and then the general display is 1, then the pen on the emergence of the phenomenon that the capacitance is still good. If one table has been ringing that received the capacitor capacitor breakdown is broken)
Is the substation separate from the power and illumination transformer?
The power and lighting power supply in the substation need not be separated. In a large capacity power plant, the lighting can be electrically powered to ensure that the generator is stopped. The lighting source is often separated from the lighting transformer and powered by other power supplies.
Lighting, lights, transformers, bulb brightness is too low, what's the matter?
Generally, the power of the transformer is the apparent power, and the light bulb is the active power, and the power matching is taken into account.
What's the function of the lighting transformer?
In addition, can be rated power supply voltage of not more than 1000V AC circuit, as a machine tool and mechanical equipment control power, work lighting and signal light power supply, can also be used as a small power supply!
Does the lighting work properly? Doesn't that power equipment start voltage unstable?
As long as the capacity of the transformer is enough, the voltage fluctuation of the line will be sure to occur when the high power equipment is started. Such fluctuations do not have much impact on the lighting.
How is the lighting power of the 380V transformer calculated?
With a light bulb with 4KVA load, the premise of the distance can be Mrs. face light bulb, dark can light the best load, 3KVA bulb brightness