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LED display more than the size of the area must be 380v
General LED screen to reach more than 20 square meters will use more than two power lines, and then some will use three-phase electricity. At the same time and time-sharing power system with the use, so as not to impact on the power grid. The maximum power can take 80 percent of the capacity to leave a margin of 20 percent. Also pay attention to the choice of cable, and lightning protection measures.
LED display how to install it?
LED display according to the application of different areas, divided into a variety of installation methods, there are: fixed installation, rental hoisting, stadium fence installation.
Comparison between LED display and DLP splicing
DLP is a digital light processing, this technology is the first image signal through digital processing, and then the light projection. From DLP's technical principle, it has the least signal noise, accurate gray level, high reflectivity, seamless image display, high reliability and other advantages. DLP splicing screen by a number of rear projection display unit stitching, the most important feature is the patchwork small, you can control to 0.5 mm or less, we call it "seamless" splicing, which is the other two major technology LCD and PDP Can not and can not.
Led display and led lighting What is the difference?
Application areas are different. Led display mainly in: government square, leisure square, bustling business center, advertising information release card, commercial street, railway station, sports venues (UNILUMIN Universiade) and so on. Led lighting is mainly home, mall, roads and other lighting
Led display support what video format
Graphic effects display function: with the text to edit, zoom, scroll, animation and other functions. Can display a variety of computer information, graphics, images and two, three-dimensional computer animation, can be superimposed text. Broadcast system with multimedia software, you can flexibly enter and broadcast a variety of information
How do I choose the dot pitch of the LED display?
According to the brightness of the lamp, waterproof level is divided into indoor and outdoor single color, indoor and outdoor full color series;
Is the TV screen good for the LCD or the LCD?
In the television industry, LCD TV is divided into LED TV (depending on the backlight system) (using LED backlight module for the screen to provide light) and the traditional LCD TV (using CCFL cold cathode fluorescent tube light source).
What is the thickness of the led display?
Full-color screen 150-180mm, monochrome will be smaller, 60-90