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The usefulness of the bowl
The usefulness of bowl can be summarized as follows: 1. Cook 2. When a container with other liquid or solid, such as painting and calligraphy brush cleaning) 3. The acrobatic props 4. Instrument Weapons of 5.
New dishes, the bottom of the bowl with a trademark, it is difficult to remove. Consult everybody, have what good method?
Soaking in hot water for a period of time off naturally
"Hammer hammer hammer bowl is not broken," absurd reason is ()? () is reasonable reason?
The first brackets, no broken with a hammer The second brackets, hammer, not broken. Can you understand?
Looked at the thought of the pot in the bowl of how explanation
Literally means eating a bowl of rice total thought of the pot rice, always want to eat pan also. Usually describe a person very greedy.
I go to yunnan tourism, in silver city of Dali prefecture of bought a silver bowl, with a few times after come back, found that there are several black, which is know for silver teacher can tell me what's going on?
This is because your bowl, high purity, is the purity of 990, the silver will be the reaction of oxygen in the air oxygen generated silver, you can use toothpaste is wiped, use plastic bags are sealed isolation of direct contact with air.
My world, how to put the milk into the bowl
Holding a bucket (bowl is not milk) on the cattle long press ok, hope to adopt
How to remove the label on the bowl dish ~!
Put the bowls and plates in boiling water to soak, the label is easy to be off
How does the new porcelain bowl handle lead?
Enamel is not contain lead, glaze is the source of lead, so tableware drinking utensils should choose under the glaze color, can decrease the permeability of lead xi resembles. With more tableware, when has a reddish brown substance is found, should not make food drink again. It is best to buy white don't have to spend a good, because the colour on the bowls are leaded especially brightly colored, but a lot of bowl is under the glaze color, this process will be better. People often drink milk, in order to save trouble, put milk into China cups in the microwave, little imagine, a lot of cups and bowls with a painting pattern of coarse porcelain dish very high lead content, if heated in the microwave oven, microwave invasion of the body will lead into the milk. Need to be heated food and drinks, please use the marked with "available for microwave ovens for" vessels such as cup, bowl, microwave heating.