Concrete Driveway Sealer

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Other metals that rust?
Stupid much? I may be a genre Nazi when it comes to labeling bands, but your bigotry is extremely annoying. Hate liberals? If you're even using the word liberal than you're just another brainwashed conservative or fascist as I like to appropriately label.
since bones are mainly made from calcium- and calcium is a alkali earth metal - does this mean we have metal bones?
1. Heavy Metal/NWOBHM 2. Death Metal 3. Progressive Metal/Folk Metal (I really can't choose) 4. Thrash Metal 5. Doom/Stoner Metal These are not in order. Edit: @Sheep: FUKC YEAH DUDE!! *Highfives back*
Give the difference between metals and nonmetals.(at least 10).
Well.... Yes if you are looking for rings and coins in people's pockets. If you are looking for ores, placer deposits and lost coins buried a foot deep in the dirt you need something a bit more specialized. It is not about the type of metal. It is about the sensitivity and range.
Which is your favorite death metal song ever?
metals are on the left side of the periodic table and the nonmetals are on the right side look at this, and it'll explain;
sorry im old school and i know thrash metal death metal etc but now there is melodic metal? Can anybody give me examples of bands that play melodic metal? Im a lover of metal but i have heard it called everything but melodic till now!!!!
the city of evil. lol i wish it was my town.. i want some more metal shows to see! but idk, i know metallica came from california, and they were the pioneers of thrash maybe the west coast.
Can Blast beats be played in Thrash metal? and what is the difference between Thrash Metal and Speed metal?
to add on to the guy above^ metals are conductive and nonmetals are insulative the bonding of the two are different different crystal structures (metals are bcc, fcc, or hcp) Also, I wouldn't say nonmetals have a lower melting point than metals. Just think about refractories in a furnace. They have to have a higher melting point than the metal so they don't melt, right?
Metal Gear Solid fans?Ive never been into mgs but I hear that mgs4 is awsome, so instead of just going and buying mgs4 people are telling me to get the Metal Gear Solid Essentials Collection first so i understand the story line. The problem is i just got the first metal gear solid for the ps1 and theres no point in buying the Metal Gear Solid Essentials Collection and getting another one.
I listen to a few death metal bands/heavy metal bands.actually a lot!...I don't know if you've already heard of these..maybe you'd be interested? Arch enemy- I like this band, the lead singer is a chick and she has kick *** vocals!! she's the queen of metal! :D Children of bodom-Is another one of my fav metal bands! behemoth- AMAZING BAND! And of course theres slayer!!! but who hasn't heard of them! i assume you've already heard of them, if not-then what the hell is a matter with u!!! lol Ummm gosh such a long list of them that i like! oh theres Death!-look them up :) theres also another band..but they're not metal they're punkrock-Murderdolls! have you heard of them? they're pretty dam sweet! if you're into punk rock too i suggest you look them up :) hopefully that helped a bitt-even a little :L
oh and without metal core and death metal bands,thanks.
Bobby - Rap? Talent? Get this, Rap is talking fast to a few beats endlessly repeated. Metal actually takes effort. Metal all the way!!!