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on a traditional pitched roof construction,where is heat insulation usually provided?
Generally, the insulation is blown in loose fiberglass to around 14 inches -- R 38, between the ceiling joists. Radiant barrier roof decking is often used in conjunction with this method, along with excellent attic ventilation to allow heat to escape. Sometimes, with foam insulation in new construction, the foam is installed between rafters, to create air conditioned attic. This is much more expensive, but if done right, can result in greatly lowered energy consumption. This method requires outside air having a way to get into the home, requires special AC and heat equipment, and if the wall insulation and window package aren't up to snuff, much of the effect is lost, resulting in wasted money -- tens of thousands of dollars, literally.
We bought a house and put new metal roof on over the shingles. (first please don't say, this or that should have been done, just what I can do now) Any how, we have put a lot of money into the house, roof, all new electrical, all new plumbing, etc., I had to make the house in a "living in condition" with a low budget. ............ the house does not have insulation in ceilings, this has to be done next summer. (budget) Any how, the metal roof has condensation under it, only in the ridge vent area. This drips a little and I need to fix it. Now, I know that insulation wouldprobablyy fix this, but we don't have the money right now, so I need help on what to do? Is there anything that with a $100 to $200 budget can be done? I have searched a little, and maybe use a "spray-on"insulation help? The area is where the gap is at the peak and where themetall overlaps the ridge vent. (I thinkthat'ss what it's called)Thank you! :)
Use kraft faced insulation for attics R-19. It won't fill the whole cavity, but will instead provide room for ventilation. Staple it tightmaking sure all gaps are filled. Next, hang sheetrock on the ceiling. My brother omitted this step and gets a lot of cold air bleed down. Then put on your pine. It wouldn't hurt to install a ceiling fan up there too, especially if you are using some sort of non vented gas fireplace or heater. They put out humidity.
This is blocking airflow and I'm having it removed after I bought the house. There is already insulation on the attic 'floor'. This is double insulated and is not correct. Why would anyone do this?
No building codes back then, and maybe he was thinking about putting an extra room up there then you would have to insulate the rafters also
I need to call around and find a contractor to repair my roof. I thought it might be a good idea to at least have the name of this type of roofing correct so I don't sound like too much of a mark. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
popcorn ceiling
My new room is an addition to a mobile home, and has a single-layer metal roof. I have 3 "main" concerns. What are the cheapest and/or most effective ways of eliminating them?1. No heat insulation- cold air sinks from the roof to my room, and my warm air rises to the roof and cools.2. Condensation forms on the inside and drips occasionally. My computer, bike, and downhill boards are in here!3. It seems like bugs could easily get into my room, but that's just a suspicion.
You really need a correct "building paper" under the iron. It is aluminum with a tar sandwiched between...You can also use plastic sheeting as a vapor barrier..
I am really confused about this science stuff! Sustainability is terrible xP
All versions of insulation are largely air that is kept from moving - air is a good insulator if convection - movement of heated or cooled air due to changes of density - is prevented. This assumes that a vapor barrier and caulking prevent actual air movement through the wall when a wind is blowing. Some insulators are also poor conductors of heat so the connection between inside and outside that might occur is broken. As it happens, glass used in fiberglass and minerals used in rock wool are actually pretty good conductors of heat in solid form but as fine particles and flakes they don't conduct well from one strand/piece to the next.
I work with rubber roofing insulation. How , other than long sleeves, do I deal with the after effects of being exposed to this insulation.
I'm not sure if your questioning what to do before or after. A lot of experience contractors that work with insulation use generous amounts of baby powder on their skin before covering up prior to work. The baby powder fills up the pores keeping the insulation out. Insulation can travel through cotton clothing, but it is better than nothing. After the work is done wash off with cold water. The cold water closes the pores in your skin, while rinsing off the bulk of the insulation on your skin. Then use any temperature you like to complete the process.
fixing my room up and it gets hot in summer so i want to put some good insulation in the roof so what could i use?
How much access do you have to the attic, or the space below the roof? Are you going to be replacing the ceiling of your room and adding insulation from below, or getting into the attic and adding insulation above your room from there? If there is a large attic space above your room, and not much ventilation, sometimes you can cool the living space by simply installing some ventilation grilles to the roof to vent off hot air from the attic.