24 Volt Solar Power Inverter

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direct tv came to the house we just moved into and the power went out when he was hooking up a reciever and turns out all our outlets are messed up except two. one is completely dead. one was red on his tester thing and he said that is dangerous--forgot what he said about it and all the other are open ground i guess, and the fuse keeps blowing. is there any way to fix it without an electrician??? my husband knows some electrical stuff thanks
in a typical house, several outlets are connected together serially. this means that if there is just one outlet that has a detached wire on the back of the outlet panel, it would cut power to the others in that chain. the way i figured it out was - turn off the main from the control panel then open up each outlet panel to make sure wires are connected to the screws. however if you don't feel comfortable with electrical, call the electrician. it costs about $40-$60 for a call like this.
I understand that the frequencies emited from cell phones can interfere with the electrical equipment in ICU's; however, why can't patients have regular phones in ICU's; regular chord phones shouldn't emit frequencies or do they?
I think it has more to do with courtesy for the other patients in the unit. Remember, if they are in the ICU, they aren't going to up to talking on the phone anyway. Those patients need their rest, the last thing they need to is to be disrupted by phones ringing all the time.
I am planning to buy a big guitar amp from america and you dont want to mess around with something as powerful as that so i want to know is there suitable adapters out there for such a job? because i heard that some electrical equipment from America will eventually burn out if you use it in Ireland!!help!?!?!
As long as you get a proper adapter that can handle the load, you should be fine
I have a deep interest in professional and vintage audio equipment. So instead of becoming an audio engineer, I think I should major in electrical engineering and design them. But in this day and age, I think computers/software would be the way to go. which one should i do?
i don't think of there is an uncomplicated answer to this question, partly by way of fact distinctive educational backgrounds propose that some utility honestly everyone seems to be plenty greater conscious of the underlying hardware than others. in lots of cases nonetheless, utility engineers are not designing plenty besides the utility. To take the case of the automobile, there is a few human beings whose historic past is in mechanical engineering and comparable fields that are finding out what they choose some area of the automobile to do. Then they tell the utility human beings to jot down a software that performs that function. maximum utility honestly everyone seems to be in lots of cases only imposing somebody else's layout thoughts. At a distinctive point, you have some components that are designed via electric powered human beings which could do only one activity. A chip, say, with a clock function equipped into it. it can't be programmed, so no utility, suited? an undesirable lot of electronics are like this actual. The difficult area is that the utility human beings write utility that designs chips for human beings in line with what applications they choose the chip to have which muddies the waters okay. So rather there isn't any outstanding line between utility and hardware. to circulate decrease back to the automobile occasion, the pc interior maximum automobile electronics can't be reprogrammed, however the main chip could have some settings tweaked. put in an o.e.m chip, and greater settings can get replaced. Does that propose that is utility, or not?
20 ft. off the ground,miles of steel rail supporting it, thousand's of gallons of diesel, electrical equipment all around.
Safe. You are surrounded by metal which forms a pretty good Faraday cage. The loco is well grounded via the rails. Apart from the bang of thunder you might not even notice the lightning. The Diesel fuel is in a steel container under the loco and even better shielded than you are.
After being around him I noticed and so did he that lights turn off as he passes them, and every time he would come in my bedroom my light bulbs would blow out. Sometimes when we kiss he shocks my lips a little and doesn't notice it.Okay don't think I'm weird but I was researching such unusual phenomena and I noticed people mentioning alien abductions and that people who were abducted and DON'T remember it (because nobody does) will have a weird relationship with electrical devices, including disrupting the connection by being around them.Anyone want to talk about such things? Interesting.
You should post a video. Have your boyfriend walk into a public building and blow out the bulbs. It would go viral in an instant. He would make himself eligible for any of the worldwide paranormal challenges. He's going to need the cash when incandescent bulbs go the way of the dinosaur. Those fluorescent bulbs are pricey.
1 artificial permanent 2 electromagnetic3 natural
I suppose they all do; Electromagnets are probably the most useful as they can be switched on and off instantaneously. They are used in motors, loudspeakers, relays, televisions etc. artificial permanent magnets can also be found in electric motors, loudspeakers, reed switches etc. As far as i can think natural magnets don't have many applications. but they could be used to make loudspeakers, motors and to operate reed switches for sure. So in short, they all have several applications in electrical equipment. Sorry not to be of more help.
Before anyone blindly answers this, I'd like to first request that only people in the power transmission industry answer, as they are the only ones likely to know.I have a customer who is asking to mount several very large pieces of electrical equipment 15 feet in the air, mounted to a large structure. All of these equipment pieces are 5000 or more pounds and pad-mount by design. I am questioning this request on the basis of legality. Basically, I am curious to know, is there anything in the NEC that says mounting pad-mount equipment overhead is illegal? If so, I could really use a hint as to what section of the NEC code.
I don't believe that there is anything in the NEC that addresses this. Obviously, installing anything on a structure presents challenges that require the attention of a qualified structural engineer. And depending on the location, you could be facing some additional concerns. You would need to check on seismic activity in the area, and since 'pad mount' equipment has a broad profile, wind-loading could be more challenging if you have a wind-force specification to meet. The other issue you would need to consider is whether installation on a structure presents any particular safety concerns. Without knowing any more, my inclination would be to think that you might want to provide an enclosure around the structure to prevent civilians (rmeaning 'teenagers and drunk college students) from climbing it. Just out of curiosity - why does your client want this? We know that the client is always right - even when he insists to stupid things. I trust there is a good reason for asking for something that is bound to increase installation cost by probably 100%.