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the afffect of the diffrent flow rate in heat exchanger?
In general with higher flow rates the overall heat transfer coefficient will increase a bit and with lower flow rates it will decrease. This is because the change in velocity will affect the film coefficient portion of the overall heat transfer coefficient. So with a higher flow rate you will get slightly better heat transfer but you will also have a greater mass flowing through the exchanger. The net result will be the transfer of more heat but the actual temperature of the fluid exiting the exchanger will likely be lower because of the extra mass involved. Other things that are affected by changes in flow rate are the pressure through the exchanger (Higher flow rates leads to higher pressure drops. Lower flow rates lead to lower pressure drops.) and in some cases possible fouling of the exchanger. This is specially true in case were there are solids in the liquid.
the heat exchanger went out on our furnace at our summer home. can we still run the central air, or do we have to wait till our new furnace is instlled this fall?
There is no reason that you cannot use your a/c. The furnace not working won't be a factor until this winter.
to evaporate water
go to a home brew shop, and get the still and cooling coils. afterwards you may be able to use it for other things...... or at least the parts should have good resale.
my hottub goes thru copper heat exchanger and gets copper resedue in filter,what can I do?
Better in the filter than in the tub. Isn't that what the filter is for? Take it out and hose it off once a month or more often if necessary.
My air coming from my furnace is not very hot. I heard there is a way to slow the blower motor so the air goes across the heat exchanger slower.
there is a reason the blower and furnace are built together. the blower is designed to move a certain volume of air across the heating coils if you were to slow the flow down you risk overheating the the furnace. there are safeties built in to help prevent this but damage is much more likely. my guess it this is a newer furnace? if so the out put air tends to feel cooler because it might be a high efficiency model if this is an old furnace cool out put can be caused by frequent stopping and starting (hunting) look at your thermostat location
I have a 1997 Honda Civic, so on cold days the heat doesn't even work for about 30 minutes.But when I turn on the defroster and rear defroster, it immediately turns on the A/C button, regardless of whether the temperature is on cold or hot. Also, does circulating air button next to the A/C button need to be on?I know this much: To defrost, use heat. To defog, use A/C. But since the AC button can turn on or off when it's on any temperature setting, what options does that give me? And since the option to circulate the air in the car or take it in from outside through the vents is there, which do I use? And what about those days when it's just a morning dew over everything?
i exploit heat water with a splash dish cleansing soap and rubbing alcohol jumbled in. It takes the ice off of my homestead windows speedy interior the mornings! determine you no longer use warm water, only a splash warmer than lukewarm.. few drops of dish cleansing soap, a squirt of rubbing alcohol, shake it up -- then slowly pour it over your homestead windows. It takes it off quickly and leaves your vehicle cleanser. sturdy luck. :)
what are the common causes of fouling in heat exchanger?How does fouling affect it and pressure drop?
what is the function of heat exchanger in gas turbine?
For my knowledge there are 3 efficiencies in thermal power generation system thermal efficiency--- energy absorbed in relevant to the energy given to the system through fuel.. less than 1 due to the heat loss to the environment and the heat in exhaust gas..... mechanical efficiency-- is less than 1 due to the friction in rotationary parts ( turbine and generator) electrical efficiency-- is less than 1 due to core and copper losses overall efficiency is given by the multiplication of all three.... which is electrical power outcome to the given thermal power heat exchanger transfer heat from on source to another (ex heat of the burning fuel to water)