Portable Solar Cells Camping

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What are festivals fireworks?
It is no longer just for the holiday fun, and is widely used in national defense and national economy, such as: Ye Guangdan, flares, smoke bomb, fire bombs, coach imitation bomb, bomb and so on target indication
Does common energy-saving lighting have harmful radiation?
certification in Europe which includes electromagnetic radiation and interference, non-compliance is not through certification
Festival lights are connected by a number of light bulbs connected to the lighting circuit
lighting voltage of 220V, 10 "220V, 15W" series connected to the lighting circuit, the voltage of each bulb is 22V, lower than the rated voltage of the bulb, the bulb will not normally shine. Therefore, B error
Every home needs lighting bulbs, which are popular on the market now
by calculation, we should choose energy-saving lamps to reduce the cost of household lighting
What are the main points of power distribution and lighting energy-saving supervision?
, strictly check the curtain wall energy saving project materials, components, etc., and their varieties and specifications shall comply with the design requirements and relevant standards.
The sign and meaning of energy saving lamp
The identification name is: China energy efficiency label (English name CHINA ENERGY LABEL), including the following contents:
Energy saving of urban lighting
According to the requirements of the planning and the specific circumstances of the building, the project should be integrated into the night view lighting system to locate its surface illuminance or brightness, and prevent its own pursuit of high brightness.
Building lighting in lighting, lighting should pay attention to what details?
Wide angle lamps are more uniform, but not suitable for remote projection; narrow angle lamps are suitable for longer distance projection.