Physics Of Solar Cells Nelson

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i am trying to figure out how many solar panels can be placed on one acre of land and how much they cost to install
HOW MANY PANELS FIT IN THE ACRE FIELD? acre = 43560ft? First of all you can not fill the whole acre field with solar panels. There must be space between them so you can walk amongst them and so they don't shade each other. So let's say you can maximally cover 50% of the area. 43560ft?/2= 2780ft? a medium efficient, medium priced polycrystalline solar panel of 200w covers 6ft?. So how many can we fit in your field: 2780ft?/6ft?= 36pcs of 200W solar panels can fit on the field 36pcs*200w= 272200W =272kW of total power harvesting capacity per full sunny hour. HOW MUCH WILL THE PANELS COST? Since you will build such a large solar farm you will want to get the cheapest panels possible. the price per watt on solar panels today is as low as $,5. that will mount up to: 272200W in total *$,5 cost per watt = $408300 for all the solar panels HOW MUCH WILL THE EVERYTHING COST? The whole shebang will be much more expensive since you are going to need inverters, wiring, fuse boxes, handy men to install it all and so on. A 5kW total solar system costs about $0000 if bought from a solar company. that would mean $0 000 * 272200W/5000W= $544 400 for the whole shebang But I strongly believe since you are buying such large quantities you will be able to get better deals then the rest of us mortals. And then you will have a power plant making you free electricity for the next 25- 40 years to come. And you don't necessarily need to set it up in a particularly sunny place for it to be cost effective. Just look at this gorgeous solar Farm from France
i want to know how to hook up solar panels to my existing power. all i can find on the internet is to use batteries and a inverter. but i want to use all of my existing lights and outlets off of the solar energy. i have heard that you can actually turn the meter backwards and use supplied power when needed. thats what i want to do and is it possible to do myself and if so, how?
Hooking up without batteries is actually the most common way to do it, but it's a non-trivial project, and dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. There is a device called a grid-tied inverter - that performs the task of putting energy back into the power grid. The reason you don't see homemade panels being hooked to the grid is because the power company's permission is required, and they will not grant it unless you meet building codes, and those codes require parts with at least a UL listing. No homemade panels would quality.
The intensity of sunlight at the distance of the Earth's orbit is 380 W/m2. An Earth-orbiting satellite has a solar panel that measures .35 m by 4.86 m, which converts solar energy to electrical energy with an efficiency of 26%. In one hour, how much electrical energy does the panel produce? Assume that the satellite's attitude control jets keep the panel oriented perpendicular to the incoming sunlight.
This is pretty much an exercise in knowing units and dimensional analysis. Watts are in Joules/second. So every second a square with the area(meters^2) of meter^2 receives 380 joules from the sun. In your case the square is the solar panel. So find the area of the solar panel in m^2. If you multiply area times intensity you can see that the meters cancel out and you are left with Watts(J/s). Since you want the Joules received in an hour you again multiply by how many seconds are in an hour. Leaving you with joules. What you have now is the total energy, but your solar panel is only 26% efficient, so just multiply by .26 and you will have your energy.
Can someone tell me if I can run a air conditioner off solar panel?I have a ET-P65420 20Wp solar panel. What do I need to make it work? I am told I will need a Enphase Energy Microinverter M20. Is that true? I am looking to run a 5000 to 8000btu air conditioner to a max of 0000btu air conditioner. I need to cool a 0x30 space. One time I read, I need total watts of panel to match total watts of air conditioner. Then I read, that I do not and can run more watts then what the panel is depending on the inverter and batteries.Can someone tell me what and how to make this work please? More panes or inverter and batteries?
This Site Might Help You. RE: Run a air conditioner off solar panel? Can someone tell me if I can run a air conditioner off solar panel? I have a ET-P65420 20Wp solar panel. What do I need to make it work? I am told I will need a Enphase Energy Microinverter M20. Is that true? I am looking to run a 5000 to 8000btu air conditioner to a max of 0000btu air...
our school spends around $0,000 dollars on energy.we want to know how much money would installing solar panels on the roof save our school.
I can tell you for a fact you can save money with solar panels. I have a system. I have a 3.74 kw dc system which cost $26K, I got a $0K rebate from my utility and a $2K fed tax credit. I will break even or get ROI in 6-7 years. My system generates about $2K of energy per year. The benefit of a school is most of the energy will be produced during the time that the students are using the facility so you may see a better return. I still use much of my energy when the sun goes down. All businesses get a 30% fed tax credit when they install a system, and many states offer larger rebates to businesses. There are many factors that will determine the efficiency of the panels, my orientation isn't ideal so that drops my production a little. Shade can reduce the number of hours a panel can produce. The number of hours of sunlight and the number of days it is cloudy can affect production as well. Your utility policies can have an economic impact, not all utilities allow the meter to run backwards or buy back the excess energy you produce, most schools are out of session during the longest most productive days. The biggest problem for solar is the large initial payment, without grants or loans it is unlikely a school would have the money to put up a large system. There is no need to zero out the bill, even a partial system can save money.
We want make solar panel for our home use. but we have no any right idea how we can make it. we want to make it with cheap prices.we also want to know the proper size of solar panel.where we can take help about making a solar panel
All you need to do is to learn how to build solar panel to produce your own electrical energy through solar panels. These solar panels take and keep the energy from the sun and turn it into usable electrical energy that we can use every day in our ordinary lives. Generally, the majority of people that knew about solar panels think that they won't benefit from its use because they just work in sunny areas. That isn’t the case. In fact, the new generation of solar panels can produce a lot of electrical energy even on rainy weathers. Learning how to build solar panel is very easy: first they need to be installed (most of the time, on the roof of homes) and then they take the energy from the rays of sunshine and convert it from solar energy to electrical energy. Solar panels must be kept from shading, as shaded cells draw energy for themselves from other cells. Things you need to know: . Solar panels using monocrystalline cells have high conversion efficiency, and take up less space, but lack shade protection. 2. Solar panels using polycrystalline cells have even higher conversion efficiency, take up even less space, but still lack shade protection. 3. Solar panels using amorphous silicon cells have lower conversion efficiency, and take up more space, but do have shade protection. This can be especially important on a sailboat. Once you have determined the size and number of solar panels needed, you will be better able to determine where they will be placed. The best places depend on the roof's length and size of the panels. Take your time and think it through. The simple answer to how to build solar panel is none other than the sun. Select locations that will get maximum sunlight without shaded spots. In placing solar panels, consider the use of extra bars/braces to secure the panels. You obviously want them to remain stable.
i was reading the popular science magazine and i saw that they might make a Sun Powered it Absolutely NOT possible to make a car with a Solar Panel? I dont see any harm in making it..
it's possible, but the oil company don't want you to, besides solar-powered cars need to be quite big to have those panels mounted on to provide the needed power, thus it'll take up alot of space on the road. they can't be as powerful as gas-powered cars in terms of speed hauling power. maybe they should make 2-seaters for city users, that'll cut down on the pollution ease up the gas prices. of course, they can make a hybrid car that uses an alternative power, like gas/solar or dry cell/solar to solve the problem... parking-meters with a power-plugs for you to recharge while you park.
I need to write a pressuasive essay on why we should use solar panels more than we do. and convince people that their good and stuff.. if u guys could give me some good key reasons why..that would be great.
if they get energy from burning coal, they will be destroying our atmosphere. if they use solar panels, they can use natural energy from the sun without harming the environment.