Off Grid Solar Inverter 5kw

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Home solar heating products can not mature?
1, the local climate: the solar water heater solar tube is not winter frost, but many people will find that in addition to solar tube other basically frozen broken in the actual use of the process, all the cold area, far distance roof is not recommended, the summer hail smashed zirendaomei. Before taking a bath before half a bucket of cold water, it is really a waste;2, installation conditions: the water pressure is not good, the floor is high, ready to install solar energy and electric hybrid proposal wash sleep. The related auxiliary equipment comprises a booster pump, a controller, will force you to spend a lot of innocent money, you are hard to feel the donkey3, economic price: the use of the price, the price of solar water heater in more than 3000, 1500 yuan, 2000 yuan while the gas water heater, solar electricity, but the experienced friends all know no electricity solar still can not be used, all can not talk about energy saving. On the use of the cost of natural gas pipeline gas prices in the province, followed by electricity tariffs, the overall cost of speaking, to buy more than 1500 yuan solar electricity tariff equivalent to 3000 degrees, enough for a few years of use.
How to do a good job of solar water heater marketing?
Two, energy saving (cost savings): the impact of solar water heater life components. About the use of solar water heaters for heating homes, can save daily for heating water electricity, gas costs 90%, can reduce household expenses, to the society, can reduce our province limited energy resources consumption, the energy and ancillary facilities for agricultural and industrial production, have greater social benefits.
The steps of making solar technology stubs
1 with a brush clean eraser material: big eraser, waste brush.Tools: scissors, glue.
Solar energy products, that is, I would like to open a home solar products Daquan
I have two sets of solar home, one is Huang Ming, a sijimuge, later a temperature than the Emperor Ming of the seems to be a little higher, are also good, but home Taiwan Himin's high, I want to buy one, want to try another brand is not the same effect
Advantages and functions of solar energy
The advantages of solar energy: solar energy as a new energy, compared with conventional energy it has three major characteristics: first, it is the most abundant energy source. It is estimated that in the past 1 billion 100 million years, the sun itself consumes energy in the future 2%. is sufficient to supply earth, using billions of years it is inexhaustible, inexhaustible.
New solar productsI would like to know the new type of solar energy production enterprises and the name, product performance and parameters.
Their idea is to paint more than two kinds of dye in a certain proportion, and paint it on a special glass window. These dyes can absorb different wavelengths of sunlight, and then through the glass window to concentrate sunlight on the edge of the window solar cells. Solar cells convert light energy into electrical energy.
Solar energy items in daily life
Solar ice pad, solar panels, solar street lights, etc., are living in the solar green energy-saving products.
Outdoor solar energy products, how can we do the process of IP65 level, the design of the water which should be noted that what? Beg enlighten heroes!
Third, the less the number of parts as possibleFourth, when the whole is a way to allow glue