Lights For Fall Ceiling

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There are two fine wires in the rear shell of the LED ceiling lamp. How can it be connected with the wires inside the house?
Both goods, there is no other wire, these two lines is the power cord of the lamp, there is no special description, that is, the use of 220 volts of public power, the lamp should be connected to the switch through the 220 volt power line.
Can you tell me what brand of LED ceiling lamp is good and how to choose LED ceiling lamp?
So, led ceiling lamp, what brand is good, here to recommend the ten brands, you can refer to see.
Ask for help to install LED ceiling light friends
There is also need to pay special attention to that, if the ceiling lamp with crystal pendants and other accessories, must first take these parts down, in the demolition of the ceiling lamp
What brand of ceiling lamp is good? What brand can you recommend?
A home products (ceiling lamp) oriented lighting enterprises, no doubt, now is the industry's first brand of light absorption, and the terminal influence is also very good.
Led ceiling lamp, stepless dimming, toning, temperature, what is the concept of lights can be arbitrary dimming? Have to buy a remote control.
Stepless brightness adjustment, it is different from the piecewise dimming, segmentation refers to several models, such as fixed, most bright, moderate light, night light light only 3 modes, you can choose in these 3 modes.
Will the ceiling light fall off?
So the ceiling is installed according to the weight of the lamp itself to set the number and size of screw expansion, construction drawing experts were obtained, so long as according to the drawings, the safety coefficient of light absorption is very high, the general case is absolutely not fall down
Can the light rod change the ceiling lamp?
If you can lead a bright point, can choose 1.5 parallel lines, white square small beautiful, no longer the slot.
The ceiling light is still flashing after closing
Reason: switch is not in accordance with the standard control of the FireWire, but connected to the zero line, FireWire connected to the light port, incandescent bulb will not flash