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I was doing architectural glass film, would like to take a government building project, but do not know where to start?
Find out whether the film is a contractor or the development side of the project, that side is to find which side, are now low-cost contract.
Sorry if this is a really stupid question, please go easy on me.Tell me if this is possible or not:An aviary that in 10m or more long in length which houses smaller species of birds. Part of the aviary is against the house and a window. The window is tinted so that the birds don't think that they can fly through it (but would the reflection still be a problem?). But people in the room can see through the window and the birds in the aviary.Possible or bad idea? Any alternatives? I have seen entire aviaries made out of acrylic and see-through, and also a restaurant with a massive aviary the size of the wall behind glass, I just wonder how they do it without birds breaking their necks on the glass.
What we did with our aviary (home grown built as well) was put a layer of screened mesh (like you use for patio screens) over the acrylic windows. It helps to dim the glare and prevents the birds from running into them. It's cheap and you can buy it in rolls. Just staple it to the wood around the frame of your windows.
China's well-known foreign glass factory which several
Fuyao glass Headquartered in the famous hometown of overseas Chinese Fuqing City Fuyao industrial village. At present the total assets of more than 9 billion yuan, the existing staff of more than 10,000 people, with car safety glass, architectural decoration glass, bulletproof glass and float glass and other glass products, related materials and equipment research and development and manufacturing capacity. Has been in Fuqing, Changchun, OKorder, Chongqing, OKorder, Guangzhou, China, the establishment of the automotive glass production base, also in Fujian Fuqing, Jilin Shuangliao, Inner Mongolia Tongliao, Hainan Haikou and other places to establish a modern float glass production base. Luoyang Float Glass Group Co., Ltd
Just wondering, because i went to Paris recently, and that glass pyramid, i know is for enterance, but WHY a glass pyarmid, and not something that actually blends in with the rest of the palace? it is completely out of place there.
You are correct that it was built to provide a better entrance. As of the early 1980s, the older entrance could no longer keep up with the increasing number of visitors to the museum, and there was no easy way to get from one wing to another. The architect, I.M. Pei, had this to say about his design: "The glass pyramid is a symbol that defines the entry to the Louvre. It is placed precisely at the center of gravity of the three pavilions. It assumes the function of a symbolic entry to a huge complex of meandering interconnected buildings which had no center." "Formally, [a pyramid] is the most compatible with the architecture of the louvre. It is also one of the most structurally stable of forms, which assures its transparency. As it is constructed of glass and steel, it signifies a break with the architectural traditions of the past. It is a work of our time." The modernist design would have fit well with the development strategy of Fran?ois Mitterand, the president of France at the time. He initiated several big projects like this designed to showcase France's status as a technological leader in Europe at the end of the 20th century.
Now many people say that architectural glass film can be energy-saving, it is how to save energy in the end? Its energy-saving principles and energy-saving parameters how to quantify?
I say, mainly rely on reflection to heat, natural air conditioning will not open so much, this is not energy, as the coefficient, businesses have test equipment
It means that fantasy and reality are not one and the same thing. In a fantasy people can imagine what they want to. So for this fantasy you can picture a shock wave. Titan takes off by providing a very sudden very high force. Which radiates through the building shattering glass. Just like high explosive would. But this is only a background to a plausible fiction.
the usage of glass in building construction has been in constant increase in the past decade.these glasses would certainly increase the volume of reflection in the atmosphere..doesn't this add to the temperature rise ?
A chalcogenide glass bolometer for detection of electromagnetic radiation wavelengths varying from infrared to microwave. The radiation absorbed by the glass increases its electrical conductivity, enabling measurement of the radiation. A method of fabricating the bolometer is also disclosed
What is agc glass
The main production of automotive glass, architectural glass and industrial glass.