Brushed Copper Bathroom Faucets

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How to replace the basin hot and cold faucet hose
First to the following corner valve closed, the hose at both ends of the live joint unscrewed, put on a new can.
Desk basin size; style with or not; basin with double hole and single hole, the faucet is also to be equipped with, do not buy the wrong
So, my cat is about 10 years old now and up until a few months ago he would drink his water out of his designated water bowl we set out for him. But one day I filled up the sink in my bathroom to soak some clothes in it and I noticed he LOVED drinking out of it. But soon, that was the ONLY place he would drink out of. For awhile I would fill up the sink and leave it there for him, but eventually that wasn't good enough for him. Now the water has to be running and he sticks his head under to drink. He won't drink any other water any other way and it's getting rather irritating. He will sit in my bathroom and meow until I turn on the faucet for him, sometimes at ungodly hours while I'm sleeping, and he just won't quit! Why do you think he has such high expectations? And how can I break this habit he's gotten into?
In the wild, cats prefer to drink moving water. Sitting water may be stagnant and may hide predators. My cats also drink from the running faucet. I find that by leaving 2 or 3 inches in the basin, they may hit it with their paws (causing it to move) and then they will drink.
Home basin faucet bad, how to replace this? Hand can not reach into the following hose connection, too narrow, is not to remove the basin to replace
After the installation of any equipment, one is to consider the beautiful, two have to consider the replacement of the future.
I have a single basin faucet. How do I change it into a regular faucet without replacing it?
A single handle faucet? You want to make it two handles? Must replace.
The sink fixture when installed never sealed properly and water can seep between the portion of the faucet that meets the sink basin. Just a small area - I'm not replacing the sink - just can't and won't. I had used some clear caulk around the base of the faucet fixture, but it came off after a few months: it was silicone, but in the fine print it says that it was for windows and doors (I just took the tube he handed me then left). It worked fine while it lasted, but what type would you suggest?
Whatever you use you have to get the sink up so you can fill the space under it. You can't just fill the crack because it won't seep in where it can get a grip.
have a leaky faucet in bathtub but not sure how to change seat
Paul gave the good answers . But , a leaky faucet may only need a new rubber washer on the end if the stem. when you have the stem removed you and feel the seat in the faucet with your finger and feel if it rough or it is smooth. or if it has a crack or notch worn in it. if it is nice and smooth , you prob dont have to replace it unless you just want to. the cheapest way to rebuild your tub faucets is to go to home depot and buy a " remodelers tub faucet kit " for about $40 you get all 3 stems and seats , and 3 new shiny knobs and maybe the tool too. that is what i did . and replaced all 3 stems and seats like you want to do. or you can pay $10 for just one stem. just remember to ask for the remodelers tub kit. google " remodelers tub kit " and you will see what i am talking about. you might need to buy the seat removal tool. extra be sure to take your old stems with you so you can compare them and get the correct ones.
How does the faucet of the faucet on the basin disassemble?
With the pliers to clamp the leading water into the water pipe iron counterclockwise turn can be removed (may be a little scale to force point)