Grc Machine

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What is the working principle of the mortar pump?
7, the piston 8 reversing valve at the same time, S 10 also reversing, the movable end and conveying cylinder 6 is 6 cylinder in the mortar conveying push 8 piston, enter S tube valve 10 is pressed into the discharge port 14; at the same time in the piston 7, conveying cylinder 5 inhalation of mortar, sent in preparation for the next step pressure. Thus, the mortar is pressed from the hopper to the conveying pipe, and this process is called pumping".
GRC roofing made waterproof layer, how much is one square metre?
There are rainbow Tmall flagship store will have such links section price and product display, you can also contact Yuhong customer service, we recommend that you select dongfangyuhong waterproof products and standardized construction team, Oriental Yuhong is the most high-quality waterproof listed companies
What is GRC in building engineering?
GRC in architectural engineering is actually a GRC component, or a GRC line. It's a kind of material used in the exterior wall decoration of a building. After it is installed, it has a European style appearance.
GRC what's the use of imitation wood?
It can be used as GRC finished generic wood decoration materials used, GRC imitation wood than wood durability, wood decay, and GRC does not use wood is generally 20-30 years Guangyou GRC can be used for 50 years, so the two are not the same.
Daming Palace building materials wholesale GRC European style component where?
In the domestic GRC European components do better, in Nanning over there, you can transport to your place, but a small amount of local customization is still good, the cost will be low.
GRC light partition board installation scheme for construction of hydropower pipelines
GRC lightweight partition board is a new type of wall material developed in recent years. It can eliminate longitudinal cracks as long as it is built according to the order of requirement and new technology of interlocking joint is applied. Therefore, GRC lightweight partition board is one of the ideal materials for building energy conservation and wall reform, and has been widely used in engineering.
GRC cement products have cracks, what are the reasons?
Strengthening the maintenance, reducing the hydration heat of cement and controlling the internal temperature of concrete products are effective measures to reduce the cracks on the surface of cement products.
What are the surface treatment methods of GRC?
GRC surface finish treatment: the GRC surface is treated to obtain a specific effect on the surface of the GRC product. GRC products are for decoration, but the decorative effect is determined according to the requirements of Party a.. Different decorative requirements determine the way we deal with surface treatments. Usually this procedure is in the GRC products are ejected from the mould after, generally through the mill, sandblasting, pickling, stone, coloring, spraying, the surface of GRC aggregate exposed or get other effects, the GRC has a special surface decorative effect. It may also be painted on the surface after the GRC has been installed on the wall.