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Q & A

Monolithic refractories are used in the waste treatment industry for lining furnaces, incinerators, and other high-temperature equipment. They provide excellent thermal insulation, corrosion resistance, and durability, enabling efficient and safe waste disposal processes. Additionally, monolithic refractories can withstand extreme conditions and chemical attacks, ensuring long-term performance and reducing maintenance costs in the waste treatment industry.

Monolithic refractories handle erosion by having a dense and compact structure that resists the wear and tear caused by high-velocity gases, abrasive materials, and thermal shock. They are designed to have excellent resistance to erosion, which enables them to withstand harsh conditions and maintain their integrity for a longer period of time compared to other refractory materials.

Yes, monolithic refractories can be used in sulfur recovery units. They are often preferred due to their excellent thermal shock resistance and high temperature capabilities, making them suitable for the harsh conditions encountered in sulfur recovery units. Additionally, monolithic refractories offer good resistance to sulfur-containing gases and acids, enabling them to withstand the corrosive environment present in these units.

The main factors affecting the corrosion resistance of monolithic refractories include the chemical composition of the refractory material, the temperature and atmosphere in which it is exposed, the presence of corrosive agents or materials, and the physical properties of the refractory such as porosity and permeability.

We are a Monolithic Refractories supplier serving the Haiti, mainly engaged in the sale, quotation, and technical support services of various Monolithic Refractories products in the Haiti region. We are a subsidiary platform of the Fortune Global 500 company CNBM, able to provide you with one-stop Monolithic Refractories procurement services in the Haiti. Not only do we have a wide range of Monolithic Refractories products, but after years of market development in the Haiti, we can also provide valuable experience for your projects.