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Q & A

Yes, welded steel pipe can be used for building highways. It is commonly used for constructing bridges, tunnels, culverts, and other infrastructure components in highway construction projects. Welded steel pipe offers high strength, durability, and resistance to external forces, making it suitable for withstanding heavy loads and adverse environmental conditions typically encountered on highways.

Yes, welded steel pipes are suitable for pilings. They are strong, durable, and have high load-bearing capacity, making them an ideal choice for constructing pilings that can support heavy structures or provide stability in various applications such as construction, marine, and foundation projects.

To calculate the required bolt torque for a flange connection on a welded steel pipe, you need to consider various factors such as flange material, pipe size, gasket type, and operating conditions. The most common method is to follow industry standards, such as ASME PCC-1 or API 6A, which provide guidelines and formulas to determine the appropriate torque value based on these parameters. Additionally, it is essential to ensure proper bolt lubrication, accurate tightening sequence, and the use of calibrated torque wrenches to achieve the desired bolt preload and maintain a secure flange connection.

Yes, welded steel pipes can be used for geothermal heating systems. Welded steel pipes are known for their strength and durability, making them suitable for transporting high-temperature fluids used in geothermal heating systems. Additionally, welded steel pipes have excellent corrosion resistance, which is essential for withstanding the harsh conditions of geothermal environments.

We understand the unique demands of the Cambodian market and strive to deliver high-quality Welded Steel Pipe products that meet industry standards. Our team of professionals is dedicated to providing excellent customer service and ensuring timely delivery.

In addition to supplying Welded Steel Pipe products, we also offer technical support to assist you in selecting the right products for your projects. Our knowledgeable staff can provide guidance on product specifications, installation techniques, and maintenance procedures.

Furthermore, our close partnership with CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, ensures that we have access to a wide range of high-quality products at competitive prices. This allows us to offer cost-effective solutions for your Welded Steel Pipe requirements.

Whether you need Welded Steel Pipe products for construction, infrastructure, or industrial applications, we have the expertise and resources to meet your needs. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us provide you with the best solutions for your projects in Cambodia.