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Q & A

Solar energy is derived from the sun's radiation and is a renewable source of energy, while coal energy is obtained by burning fossil fuel and is non-renewable. Solar energy is clean, sustainable, and does not produce harmful emissions, whereas coal energy releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere. Additionally, solar energy is decentralized and can be generated on-site, while coal energy relies on centralized power plants and extensive distribution networks.

A solar powered pool cleaner is a device that uses energy from the sun to operate and clean the pool. It typically consists of a solar panel that captures sunlight and converts it into electricity to power the cleaner's motors and filtration system. This eco-friendly device helps in removing debris, leaves, and dirt from the pool, ensuring a cleaner and healthier swimming environment without the need for additional energy sources.

Yes, solar panels can be installed in areas with high levels of shade. However, the efficiency of the panels may be significantly reduced due to the limited exposure to sunlight. It is recommended to assess the shade patterns and consult with solar professionals to determine if alternative solutions like adjusting the panel tilt, using micro-inverters, or relocating the panels are necessary to optimize their performance.

With our specialization in supplying Solar Related Products, we can cater to all your solar needs in Cambodia. Our comprehensive range of products covers solar panels, inverters, batteries, mounting systems, and other accessories. We ensure that our products are of the highest quality and sourced from reliable manufacturers.

In addition to our product offerings, we also provide sales, quoting, and technical support services. Our dedicated team of experts will assist you throughout the entire process, from selecting the right products to providing technical guidance and support. We understand the unique requirements of the Cambodian market and can offer tailored solutions to meet your specific project needs.

As a subsidiary platform of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we have the backing and resources to provide a complete procurement service. We have established strong relationships with both local and international suppliers, enabling us to offer competitive prices and timely delivery of products. Our partnership with CNBM also ensures that we stay updated with the latest technological advancements in the solar industry.

With years of experience in the Cambodian market, we have gained valuable insights and knowledge of the local regulations, market trends, and customer preferences. This allows us to provide valuable advice and guidance to our clients, ensuring the success of their solar projects.

Whether you are a residential, commercial, or industrial customer, we are the ideal partner for your solar projects in Cambodia. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and let us help you harness the power of the sun.