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Firewood (dry) is what type of energy
It includes plants, animals and microorganisms. The concept of biomass includes all plants, microorganisms, animals, plants, microorganisms, and waste products
There are several forms of energyWhat are they called? What is the use?
The primary energy is divided into renewable energy (hydro, wind and biomass) and non renewable energy sources (coal, petroleum, natural gas, oil shale, etc.). According to the production method can be divided into primary energy (natural energy) and two energy (artificial energy). Primary energy refers to the nature the natural form and without processing or conversion of energy resources, energy resources including a hydraulic renewable and non renewable coal, petroleum and natural gas resources, three kinds of energy including water, oil and gas, is the core of primary energy,
How to solve the energy problem
The increase of investment in science and technology energy, and actively develop new products for energy saving, develop clean and renewable energy, and on China's high energy consumption, waste of resources of industrial enterprises to accelerate the technological transformation and upgrading, and actively optimize the industrial structure, promote energy conservation, improve energy utilization rate.
Can the total energy consumption (equal value) be calculated in terms of the sum of the equal value of electricity and other energy
Equivalent value is a measure of the energy of the unit itself
What are the courses? What is the difference between specialized research nuclear power, hydropower and so on? I hope not to copy the existing information on the Internet, I learned about the best seniors
Because of the gradual depletion of conventional energy resources, environmental and ecological destruction, in promoting energy science and technology, new energy (wind, solar, biomass, geothermal energy, ocean energy, hydrogen energy utilization etc.) and constantly improve the level of economy is gradually revealed, many countries and regions to develop the energy industry, but also to achieve an important way of circular economy and low carbon economy, the proportion increased year by year. The new energy science and engineering specialty is a strategic emerging industry undergraduate specialty which was established in 2011 to meet the new energy industry development trend in china.
What is the difference between primary and secondary energy sources two
An energy is taken directly from nature without a variety of energy and resources, processing including coal, crude oil, natural gas, oil shale, nuclear, solar, hydro, wind, wave energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy and ocean thermal energy and so on.
What is the classification of energy?
Energy can also be divided into different types. There are seven main points: the source is divided into the following 3 categories: the energy of the earth itself usually refers to the earth...
Energy Star certified product range
The premise is to have UL FCC to do energy starIn short, life and efficiency test