Inverter Solar Controller

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Good solar polymer or monocrystalline
1, the actual total power (load) and the use of time, should be reserved for the normal operation of the system;2, the local effective sunshine time, the proportion of rainy weather;3, the local meteorological data, such as sunshine time, weather disasters, storms and so on;4, the construction site must be open, in the installation of solar cells can not be tall buildings or other things blocking the sun;
What is the future of solar power
Residents issued 1 kwh of electricity, the state subsidy of 0.42 yuan; the national standard for the purchase of electricity from the desulfurization of residents with endless self generating electricity, the price is $0.42 per degree. To install and use a set of distributed photovoltaic power generation system with an average of 1 kilowatts of installed cost about 10 thousand yuan, if the 8 kilowatt system daily generating capacity of 30 degrees, 5 degrees every household consumption (no more than a price of 0.52 yuan), about 8 years to recover the investment. In accordance with the same calculation method, 10 kilowatts of distributed photovoltaic power generation device to recover the cost of 9-10 years. Family photovoltaic power plant to recover the cost of an average of between 8-10 years.
As a new energy solar energy has attracted more and more attention has been paid more and more practical application at home and abroad, I really want to know what are the solar energy application is very hope that we put forward their own views and even science fiction book that I want to do research on solar solar energy market in the military and political life etc.
Power utilizationClear new energy in the future large-scale use of solar energy is used to generate electricity. There are many ways of using solar energy to generate electricity. Has been used mainly in the following two.1, the light - heat - electricity conversion. Heat generation by solar radiation. The utility model is characterized in that the heat energy absorbed by the solar collector is converted into the working substance steam, and then the steam driven turbine drives the generator to generate electricity. The first process is the conversion of light and heat, and the latter is the conversion of heat and electricity.2, optical electrical conversion. Its basic principle is to use the photovoltaic effect to convert solar radiation directly into electrical energy.
Household solar energy productsThe product can be used at home, do not mention the solar energy, answer the water heater
Divided into two large photovoltaic and thermal.Photovoltaic power plant used in the battery board has two kinds of polysilicon and monocrystalline silicon, which is a little higher conversion rate. A solar photovoltaic system of solar power generation system, glass curtain wall, large on / off grid systems (e.g. Tibet Yangbajing engineering). In addition, there are solar street lights, scenery complementary street lights, solar lights, solar LED screen, solar backpack, etc.
Solar electric vehicle charging device
Performance characteristics of solar charger for electric vehicle:1 suitable for 36V, 48V configuration of the electric vehicle voltage conversion2 unique electric vehicle battery repair function, because of its continuous battery to supply electric power to prevent and remove the battery plate sulfide, recovery of battery capacity, prolong battery life, reduce the economic burden of the users.3 using the level of intelligent tracking system, the use of a new track concept, to achieve a day in the system of the sun's automatic tracking, improve the photoelectric conversion rate, increase the power supply to the battery.4 unique overvoltage protection technology to ensure the safety of charging equipment.
Solar energy items in daily life
The solar water heater, solar flashlight, solar micro kitchen, decoration, solar car
Outdoor solar energy products, how can we do the process of IP65 level, the design of the water which should be noted that what? Beg enlighten heroes!
Sub form to be simple, the need to seal the place where the seal can not add the province.Second, is the protection of components, internal structure should pay attention to water and diversion, it is best not to enter the water.
How to open solar stores
The solar industry is not mature, thousands of manufacturers, the winter "evaporation" summer prosperous seasonal manufacturers to consumers without security, therefore, with the help of the selected brand manufacturers force, forming and other brand segmentation is very important. In store layout, arranged according to the national unified you have chosen is specified by the manufacturer of the store template, establish the standard image of the store, which is beneficial to the consumers of your store "authentic" recognition, to "store security", according to the promotion plan provided by the manufacturer, with you in the local the promotional ideas store promotional site layout. Outside the store hanging promotional banners, the store posted eye-catching promotional posters, shopping guide to wear uniform clothing to consumers with a good visual image. Unified image of the terminal to do a good job, consumers will think that the product is reliable. Through training, so that the target customers to keep the root". Most of the customers entering the store is the target customers, to retain this part of the customer, to work hard on the training. In the terminal market, direct contact with the customer's shopping guide, shopping guide thrust plays a decisive role to a certain extent, in the solar energy marketing, customer and sales information is asymmetric, the customer can ask the seller about the solar energy many knowledge, if the sales sales ability is not strong enough, for the customer asked miss some of the main selling point, will sell in a passive state, natural products are unable to reach a deal, the good selling performance does not come out, it will be the loss of a large number of customers