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I have 2 clean my hamsters cage 2day, (its been exactly a week.) I ran out of hamster bedding. I am going 2 petsmart on friday. thats 4 days away. what can i use as a substitute? i have a 6 week old male robo hamster.
Paper towels work the best in times like this. You can lay down paper towels along the bottom and then put some shredded ones on top so that he can nest in them. This will last until you can get him some more bedding. And like another said, don't use pine or cedar as they are toxic to small animals.
It's at the head and the foot of the bed. the wood part. like, in this picture, it's the black thing at the head of the bed. what is this called?
The bed frame? Idk . . .
What's the difference between a hotel suite, a standard room and a double room, and a suite and a business room?
Deluxe Suite usually consists of more than three bedrooms, living rooms, and study rooms, with the standard of equipment and equipment configurationSuite superior.
Solid wood bed, oak good?
Oak alone certainly good, but to ask rubber wood, or American red oak, if it is not oak rubber wood substitutes, real oak is American red oak and white oak.
I just got back from Taiwan and miss the hard beds. Does anyone know where in the U.S. can I find a hard bed like the ones in Taiwan?
wow, never heard of anyone missing Taiwanese beds
Do they tan you faster than your regular tanning bed? Thanks!
Generally the stand up beds have much stronger bulbs than regular beds. Stand up bulbs are usually 200+ watts, whereas the regular vary from 100 watts to about 130 watts. The maximum time in the standup beds are usually anywhere from 9-12 minutes. The laydown beds are usually 15-20 minutes. The exception is the brand new lay downs which are incredibly strong and have a maximum time of 12 minutes. The stand up beds tan you faster only because they require less time per session. They are good if you do not have much time to lie around getting a tan. You get the same tan either way, so it's really just your preference of whether you like to lie down and relax for awhile in the regular beds or get in and out faster with the standup bed. Hope this helped.
Bedroom Feng Shui, the corner facing the bed, what are the pros and cons ~?
The bedroom should be beveled or polygonal shape is not appropriate, will cause visual and mental oppression, the body will often prevalence of discomfort, the bedroom is too strange shape, not luck will destroy the numerology poly sodium, layout. Want to improve the situation, start the gossip mirror in Fuyuan, missing corner on the wall, the missing corner filled, but must pay attention not to make the mirror forming new ghosts; if the room is large enough to screen the bedroom main area separated, irregular area on the other he used to do, but also a recipe.
How long do the red, itchy bumps from bed bug bites last?Also, what are the differences between bites from bed bugs, spiders, and ants?
Bed bug bites usually last a few days. There are cases where some people, if bitten, don't develop much of a reaction at all, but others can develop intense itching and an allergic response. The difference between bed bug and other insects bites are the bites from bed bugs usually appear as small red bumps that often occur in a linear pattern (they call it breakfast, lunch and dinner) but can grow to large red welts in some people. Spider, ants and mosquito bites are mostly isolated bite marks however with bed bugs, new bites marks will appear every day since they stay hidden in your bed and come out to feast when you are asleep. Usually the first signs of a bed bug problem are when you wake up in the morning to strange bite marks and blood stains on the mattress sheets. You can reference the bed bug bites from various victims through the link below: