Battery Less Solar Inverter

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What is the difference between a maintenance-free battery and a conventional battery?
Different materials will produce a different phenomenon: the traditional battery in the course of the use of the phenomenon of liquid reduction occurs, because the antimony on the grid will pollute the sponge on the negative plate of pure lead, weakened after the full charge of the battery Electromotive force, resulting in excessive decomposition of water, a large number of oxygen and hydrogen, respectively, from the positive and negative plates to escape, so that the electrolyte reduced. With calcium instead of antimony, you can change the fully charged battery back electromotive force, reduce the overcharge current, liquid gasification rate decreases, thereby reducing the loss of electrolyte.
What are the technical parameters of the battery?
Battery capacity is defined as ∫ t0tdt, theoretically t can be infinite, but in fact when the battery discharge is lower than the termination voltage continues to discharge, which may damage the battery, so t value is limited, the battery industry, in hours (h) Battery sustainable discharge time, feel the C24, C20, C10, C8, C3, C1 and other nominal capacity value.
The role of the battery?
It filled with lead plate filled with sponge lead as a negative electrode, filled with lead dioxide lead dioxide as a positive electrode, and with 22 to 28% dilute sulfuric acid as electrolyte. In the charge, the electrical energy into chemical energy, the discharge of chemical energy and into electrical energy.
80ah how much battery storage capacity?
Is 80AH. Understood to discharge at 80 amps for about 1 hour (but not to say that after 1 hour is finished, there is still electricity). In theory, this is your battery power.
What battery does the van use?
The most obvious feature of lead-acid batteries is the top of the plastic cover can be unscrewed, there are ventilation holes above. These fillers are used to fill pure water, check the electrolyte and the use of exhaust gas. In theory, lead-acid batteries need to check the density of each electrolyte and the level of liquid, if there is a need to add distilled water. But with the upgrading of battery manufacturing technology, lead-acid battery development for the lead-acid maintenance-free batteries and colloidal maintenance-free batteries, lead-acid batteries do not need to add electrolyte or distilled water. Mainly the use of positive electrode to produce oxygen can be absorbed in the negative oxygen cycle, to prevent water reduction. Lead-acid water batteries are mostly used in tractors, tricycles, car start, etc., and maintenance-free lead-acid battery wider range of applications, including uninterruptible power supply, electric vehicle power, electric bicycle batteries. Lead-acid batteries according to the application needs to be divided into constant current discharge (such as uninterruptible power supply) and instantaneous discharge (such as car to start the battery).
How to repair the battery?
Connect the positive and negative output of the repair instrument to the positive and negative pole of the battery, open the repair instrument, repair the battery. The first repair time should be no less than 48 hours.
How should the battery be well maintained?
Battery Pile The battery pile head is part of the battery connected to the vehicle. If the corrosion or poor connection occurs, the battery will work poorly. The owner can check whether there is a white powder near the pile head, which is the sign of the pile head corrosion. If the white powder is more, you can use boiling water to burn it off, and then its anti-corrosion treatment, in the pile head smear some grease or preservatives can, but should not be too much to apply, so as not to affect the use.
How to deal with waste batteries?
The old battery is ground and then sent to the furnace for heating, then the volatile mercury can be extracted, the temperature is higher when the zinc is also evaporated, it is also precious metals. Iron and manganese fusion after the steel to become the required ferromanganese alloy.