Attaching Solar Panels To Roof

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Harbor Freight sells a 75 watt solar panel, a surge power inverter, and deep charge batteries. But no one there can tell me how to put it all together. I want the end output to be a simple power bar that I can plug my devices into. I live in an apartment so I can not wire it directly into the grid. Please only serious responses. Don't waste your time and mine.
i wouldn't. - harbor freight isn't known for the best quality stuff. - 75 watts assumes roof mounting, at 90 degrees to the sun, on a bright day. you're going to get considerably less. and only when the sun is highest in the sky. maybe you should look at, your computer, for example. if you're using it for 4 hours, and it has a 500 watt power supply, and you add 200-500 watts for the monitor, and some for the printer, modem, etc, you'd use 5kw that day. your 75 watt panel, generating maybe 50 watts at most, for maybe 4 hours when the sun was highest, and shining directly on the panel, would generate 200 watt hours. it would take 25 days to generate the electricity you'd use in single day. in the winter, you'd be pretty much out of luck. there just isn't enough bright sun. clearly, it's up to you, but there's a harbor freight near me, and i'll not be rushing out to get such a system. further, most appliances are quite voltage sensitive. you really do need to have the voltage in the 0-20 range. too much out, either higher or lower, will shorten the life of appliances at best.
Ok Im trying to power my room using solar panels and I've figure out that I need about 700 watts to do so, but I really only use my electronics at night. I was wondering if I could buy lets say a 200 watt solar panel and let it charge a battery all day would that work? I live in southern california so I dont have to worry to much about cloudy days. also any suggestions on where to buy a panel, inverter, charge regulator, and battery?
You have to look carefully at your battery choice. If you use lead-acid, use only the sealed type. Then you need to select a battery charger that is tailored to that battery type. If you want to run 700 watts for 6 hours, that is 0kwhrs. A 200 watt panel will take 50 hours to charge that, probably more like 70 to allow for losses. Even is S CA you don't get 70 hours of sun per day. Even for 3 hours of nite use, that still needs 25 hours of sun. So you need much more than a 200 watt panel. Bottom line, you need to calculate your needs much more carefully. PS, 700 watts is very large. Check it. Are you using all that stuff at the same time?
How often do solar panels need to be replaced or repaired roughly? Is it costly to do so?
New solar panels are clean and shiny and they look cool. Then they get dirty with dust and debris caught on the wind and residues left behind by rain and birds. Solar panels must be regularly cleaned and maintained in order to keep them operating efficiently and maximize the amount of sunlight they convert into electricity. Unlike windows your solar system needs to have a clean and clear surface to ensure they are working at their maximum efficiency. If they are not at their optimum performance it means they are not producing the amount of electricity that they could be. Solar panels will attract dirt, dust, soot, pollen, tree sap and salt crystals in coastal regions creating a fine layer of grime. This layer reduces the amount of light reaching the silicon cells under the glass surface and reduces the panel's effectiveness. A solar panel that has never been cleaned could be producing almost a third less power than it otherwise could be. Some have reported a ten to fifteen percent loss of solar output due to dirty panels. From the ground the panels may appear to be clean, just like your windows. Up close however you can see the grime that has built up from the dirt and pollution in the air. A more noticeable deposit that can be left on panels is bird droppings. These tend to completely block the light from areas of the photovoltaic panel and can considerable reduce its effectiveness. See much more about solar panels maintenance below link
I am looking to run 2 basic shoplights, each with 2- 32 watt T8 flourecent tubes for 6 hours a day for an indoor garden. Location WI.
I doubt you will be able to get anywhere near the amount of light needed to run anything for 6 hours a day. You will probably need a battery or something as well. At the least, you will need 3 solar panels, but you will probably need more than that in order to charge the batteries to get it to last long enough.
Solar panels can have both positive and negative impacts on the aesthetics of a building. On one hand, solar panels can enhance the visual appeal by adding a modern and sustainable look to the structure. They can be integrated seamlessly into the design, giving the building a contemporary and eco-friendly appearance. On the other hand, some people may find solar panels visually unappealing or out of place, especially if they are not well-integrated or if they differ significantly from the building's architectural style. Ultimately, the impact on aesthetics will depend on the design and placement of the panels, as well as individual preferences.
How long does it take a 5 watt, 2 volt solar panel to charge a 2 volt R.V. battery?
It is related to the size and capacity of your battery.
What is the principle of solar panels to convert solar energy into electricity?
Silicon" is one of the most abundant materials on our planet, and since the nineteenth century scientists have discovered the semiconducting properties of crystalline silicon, it almost changed everything and even human thought. At the end of the 20th century, our lives were everywhere Crystal production and process can be divided into five steps: a, purification process b, drawing process c, slicing process d, the system of silicon Battery process e, packaging process.
i dont wanna buy a solar panel becuase its too exspensive, i dont want use technical stuff i want to use every day materiels, but i need to know asap plzzzz.
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