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specifically, I am using a router. I lost the original cable...can I use a different one?ThanksMatt
yes and no, you need to know what the device wants, you need to know whether its taking ac or dc power, polarity, and amps. amps is more for laptops, other appliances are usually dumber, and will ignore that. On a standard plug, the round one on the opposite end of the wall end, you need to know the polarity, some where on the adapter you should see a symbol like this +C- (now, that's the best I can do with ASCII characters) or backwards, -C+, this tells you whether positive currents(+) and negative currents (-) are on the inside or outside of the plug. you need to match that symbol with the one on your device. Next: on the adapter, it should say somewhere input: 120 V AC output: 12v DC the numbers will probably be different, but the input and output need to match. if your working with laptop adapters, if you didn't buy the adapter specifically for the computer, double check amps too, if your charging like, an mp3 player that uses the trapezoid usb plug off a Motorola Razor wall charger with the same plug, I don't know, I've tried, didn't work well, kind of worked I guess, I wouldn't recommend it.
my tv is mounted on the wall, and my friend came round and we tryed to plug in his ps3 and we knocked the main power plug from the tv.we have fiddled about for around an hour looking for wer it came from and need help before my mam gets back!
Ignoring all the upfront on-line research I undertook, I made 8 separate visits to the showrooms of the 'usual suspects' in UK electrical retail I was so torn between the sony panasonic 42 offerings!! As a brands snob I wanted the Sony because I wanted a sony on my wall.. But every time I viewed the TV's in various store environments I kept getting drawn back to the simplicity if the panasonic's operation, the depth of tone / image on screen vs. the sony. After much consideration I went for the panasonic as (for me) it's a better TV to watch TV on!.. Technically the sony has a faster refresh rate plus slightly more advanced image 'in-fill' technology and technically it should therefore give a
On my original PS3 power cable it says 10A 125V, do I have to make sure the cable I use from a computer matches the same?
yes you can due same due its only a cable
I'm going to be running 1/0 gauge power wire in my car. My amp only accepts 4 gauge. Is it better to run 1 the whole way through and use power cable adaptors to fit the amp or run the 1 gauge into a distribution block that sizes the output wire down to a 4?
either way is fine unless your total system power will exceed 3000 watts....otherwise it would be cheaper and just as good to just run the 4 all the way from the battery and use the 1/0 gauge for your big three upgrade should you be exceeding 1000 watts
i bought a new graphics card a while ago, an nvidia 9400gt (i now realize how LOL that is). i connected it, but i noticed there were no extra power cables hanging around that would fit on the small six pin slot on top of the card. the performance increase has basically been negligible, and i don't really want to mess with the power box. should i take it into a computer shop, or is there an easier solution?yes, i installed it correctly and everything. i'm 100% sure.
i does not subject with a GT220 or GT240, they are not lots better if no longer worse than the cardboard you have already. those are not gaming enjoying cards, they're particularly for video accelerating etc. Get a HD 4850 in case you will stumble on one, if no longer maybe a HD 5750 which grants comparable overall performance, yet i does not bypass above this as you will start to be bottlenecked via your processor. maximum enjoying cards merely take one 6pin connection, the only exception being the perfect end enjoying cards such because of the fact the Nvidia GTX 470 or ATI HD 5870. desire i've got helped ;)
I moved to another country and my computer arrived without the cord that goes from the power supply unit to the wall (aka I can?t turn it on). The PSU in question is a Corsair 750W Unit. I tried searching for independent cables but as expected no one sells them. Contacting the manufacturer is too much of a pain. I was wonder, could I find special generic cables that would work with the PSU? Not necessarily by the manufacturer. Thank you.
(link defaults to 1foot, but id recommend a 6foot cable at the minimum, as 1-3 feet can be very limiting.) If using more then 1000W of power, you will need a cable capiable of it. one above is rated at 10A, and given psu efficiency (rounding way down for very inefficient ones) you should be able to get like 900-1000W+ from it w/o any worry. (that doesnt mean using a 1000W psu.. im talking about pulling 1000W+ from the wall, and unless you have like 3 gtx titans running at 100% .)
I installed a 40mm fan on the GPU heatsink that is drawing power from the 12v on the DVD power cable. I'm also thinking of installing a couple 4'' cold cathode lights. How much power can you draw from the 12v DVD power cable before it becomes unstable?
its not smart to attach anything to your 12v power on the dvd line it can cause problems to your 360 and your dvd drive. get your 12v directly from the power socket .
I have a Belkin Tune Cast II FM transmitter. The fuse in the DC car power cable is .5 A but it blows every time I plug it in. What is the correct fuse to use for this charger?
If you know that's the correct fuse. You might have another problem such as the wires are shorting or grounding each other out and not completing the circuit. It might just be best to buy a new transmitter instead of wasting your money on fuses.