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Q & A

The requirements for geotextiles used in turf reinforcement mats typically include excellent tensile strength, durability, and resistance to degradation. They should also have a high permeability to allow for proper water drainage and root growth, as well as provide effective soil separation and stabilization. Additionally, these geotextiles should be UV resistant, as they are exposed to sunlight.

When selecting a geotextile, key properties to consider include the material's strength and durability, filtration and drainage capabilities, permeability, and compatibility with the surrounding soil or aggregate. It is also important to consider factors such as the required design life, anticipated loads or stresses, and the specific application or project requirements.

Geotextiles have certain limitations, such as their vulnerability to UV degradation, which can reduce their lifespan. They may also be susceptible to damage from punctures or tears. Geotextiles cannot provide structural support on their own and require proper design and installation to be effective. Additionally, they may not be suitable for all types of soil conditions or applications, and their effectiveness can vary depending on environmental factors.

We are confident that our Geotextiles products and services will exceed your expectations. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in your Geotextiles procurement needs.