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Q & A

Yes, geotextiles are generally resistant to algae growth.

Geotextiles help with filtration of fine particles in geotube dewatering systems by acting as a barrier that allows water to pass through while retaining the particles. The geotextiles have small pores that trap the fine particles, preventing them from escaping with the water. This filtration process ensures that the water released from the geotube is clean and free from suspended solids, making it suitable for reuse or safe disposal.

Yes, geotextiles can be used in underground parking lot construction. Geotextiles are commonly used in civil engineering projects, including underground construction, to improve soil stability, provide drainage, and prevent soil erosion. In the case of underground parking lots, geotextiles can be used for soil reinforcement, separation of different soil layers, and filtration of water. They can help enhance the overall performance and durability of the parking structure.

With our partnership, you can expect timely delivery, competitive pricing, and personalized support throughout your project. We take pride in our ability to establish long-term relationships with our clients, serving as a reliable and trusted partner for all their Geotextiles needs.

Contact us today to discuss your requirements or request a quotation. We look forward to working with you and contributing to the success of your projects in Algeria.