Concealed Led Ceiling Lights

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LED bulb bulbs, do you need 3C certification now?
No, this is a light source, not a lamp. It can only be CQC voluntary certification
Secret LED bulb bubble price difference why so big?
Structure. LED heat dissipation is very important, good bulb will be equipped with radiators, inexpensive, and its life can be imagined
What brand of LED bulb is good in quality?
The price of these lamps is very low, but the quality is not guaranteed at all. The purpose of this article is to teach consumers to distinguish the quality of LED bulbs on the market so as not to be cheated. So, which brand LED bulb is good, choose a good brand, first of all should first understand how the quality of its products
What are the characteristics of LED bulb?
The service life is long, and the average life can reach 100 thousand hours.
Will the power of the LED bulb grow longer and longer? Why?
Voltage problems, as well as unstable factors.Long time no change, should
What are the requirements of the LED series inspection specification for bulb bulbs?
Insulation resistance: the lamp should not be placed for 48 hours in the damp box with relative humidity of hours. The air temperature in the box shall be controlled at any value between 20~30 degrees centigrade, and the temperature difference is within 1 degrees. The insulation resistance shall be measured in the wet box. Now the DC voltage on the lamp is about 500V. After 1min, the insulation resistance test will begin. The insulation resistance between the lamp holder, the current carrying metal parts and the accessible lamp parts shall be no less than 4M ohms.
Choose which light bulb LED bulb is the healthiest
The two said warm light, power, color temperature and so on have little to do with health
What is the 15 Watt lumen of the LED bulb?
In general, every W is 60 to 100lm, the average is about 80lm, 15W is about 1200lm