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Home solar heating products can not mature?
1, the local climate: the solar water heater solar tube is not winter frost, but many people will find that in addition to solar tube other basically frozen broken in the actual use of the process, all the cold area, far distance roof is not recommended, the summer hail smashed zirendaomei. Before taking a bath before half a bucket of cold water, it is really a waste;2, installation conditions: the water pressure is not good, the floor is high, ready to install solar energy and electric hybrid proposal wash sleep. The related auxiliary equipment comprises a booster pump, a controller, will force you to spend a lot of innocent money, you are hard to feel the donkey3, economic price: the use of the price, the price of solar water heater in more than 3000, 1500 yuan, 2000 yuan while the gas water heater, solar electricity, but the experienced friends all know no electricity solar still can not be used, all can not talk about energy saving. On the use of the cost of natural gas pipeline gas prices in the province, followed by electricity tariffs, the overall cost of speaking, to buy more than 1500 yuan solar electricity tariff equivalent to 3000 degrees, enough for a few years of use.
What is the future of solar power
Those who despise misleading consumer advertising! Solar power generating capacity per square meter is about 120W, the cost per square meter 1500 yuan in the area, the greater the lower the price of 2013 the PV industry has been an antitrust investigation in Europe, because of overcapacity in Zhejiang's large solar photovoltaic industry collapse, the price fell down. This can always online inspection recommended the purchase price of solar water heaters each priced at 150-180 yuan according to material, and other costs, the purchase is optimistic about the local power and reliable customer service of solar panels, the size of the group suggested bidding, mainly electric power and storage equipment is very expensive, the highest conversion rate in 17%-20% efficiency is very low now, as the plant photosynthesis national clean energy, photovoltaic power generation policy is more than 10kW can free grid, but the recovery price is very low, cumbersome.
Buy solar water heater mainly look at what?
Such a water tank, not only poor quality, but also may cause damage to the health of consumers with bacteria. Third, insulation layer. The quality and thickness of the insulation layer determine the insulation effect of the water heater. Now on the market most of the solar water heater using polyurethane foam insulation technology, but also the polyurethane material, but also the overall high pressure foam and low pressure foam. Large enterprises using the overall high-pressure foam to ensure the pressure and fullness of foam, a lot of small manufacturers of low pressure foam will be part of the insulation layer of the phenomenon of incomplete.
Is it hot in summer and the water is hot in winter?
Wall really electricity, as to what the effect depends on the brand. Hodge is certainly not good, the water temperature is low in winter. Now a lot of property to buy solar, generally for the hodge. As for the solar energy is better or you use absolute OK Himin - winter!!!
What are the third generation solar cells
Major technical breakthrough:Multi junction solar cellNanostructured solar cellsPhotoelectrochemical solar cell
Solar electric vehicle charging device
Performance characteristics of solar charger for electric vehicle:1 suitable for 36V, 48V configuration of the electric vehicle voltage conversion2 unique electric vehicle battery repair function, because of its continuous battery to supply electric power to prevent and remove the battery plate sulfide, recovery of battery capacity, prolong battery life, reduce the economic burden of the users.3 using the level of intelligent tracking system, the use of a new track concept, to achieve a day in the system of the sun's automatic tracking, improve the photoelectric conversion rate, increase the power supply to the battery.4 unique overvoltage protection technology to ensure the safety of charging equipment.
Is there any water in the solar energy to water?
How much is the automatic water supply set level up to the number 2 can not need to fill 100 set automatic water temperature time to remove any fill
How to choose a good use of solar energy
See brandAt present, there are more than 5 thousand brands of solar water heater industry, of which, a small family workshop type enterprises accounted for the majority of such enterprises weak competitiveness, the average life expectancy of enterprises, but only 1.5 years. Consumers choose products produced by such enterprises, often a few years later will become a three noes products, the interests of consumers can not be guaranteed. Therefore, consumers should choose in the country's high visibility of the big brands, big brands of solar water heaters not only reliable product quality, but also to provide consumers with long-term after-sales service protection.