Tub Valve Replacement

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Why the two-hole basin faucet center distance is 102 and GB size is 150 ah?
Now the new national standard basin double hole faucet distance is 102 mm
Wash basin basin inside the two pipes how to split
First remove the two pipes, and then in the basin below the fixed faucet can be removed on the red cap.
Balcony wash basin basin faucet high
How high is the outlet? This is based on the style of your choice of faucet and basin style to decide. The stage basin and the basin are not the same, the main is the leading style according to the basin style to buy! The
Hi, I recently replaced a washer on my hot water faucet and now when running the hot and cold water to shower etc. both run for a bit of time and then I hear a thunk noise (loud enough to hear above the noise of water running) and the hot water will drop off as if it is turned off. I then turn on more and the water runs with no problem. This is constant every time I use it. Any ideas. I believe my cold water slows down also but cannot be sure. I have two handle faucet with a pull up button (for shower) on spout. Sometimes the water after turning it up will come out of the faucet head alittle as if the water is pushing out where ever it can. Thank you for any help you can give me.
Is it possible that part of the old rubber washer is still in the faucet? I had something similar happen to me once. The culprit turned out to be a valve. Someone had installed a basin shutoff (the little ones with the oval handles) as an isolation valve on the water heater (I rent). The rubber seal inside had torn loose and would intermittently stop the flow of my hot water. Drove me absolutely bonkers until I found it. G'luck!
These appear to be made such that one could turn it by hand. Unfortunately these are so tight I can't budge them. Maybe if I were Hercules I could, but I'm not.I've searched for the best way to remove these. I've seen a basin wrench mentioned, but these seem to be made for removing metal nuts. I haven't seen anyone mentioning using one of these for a nylon nut.Will a basin wrench work for this? If not, what tool does one use for this?
have you tried using a rag for extra grip?
Three-hole basin and single-hole basin can be installed single hole faucet it
Can be three holes in the installation of a single hole when you can go to OKorder to buy a rectangular decorative cover can cover the left and right to cover the hole on the exposed hole so that the installation of a single hole faucet up is beautiful!
What a huge headache it looks like.The rubber seal on my small bathroom sink faucet is leaking just a little bit (not bad). As I look underneath the sink cabinet, the faucet mechanism is way in the back of the sink basin and very hard to get to. Need plumber and they are super expensive. No way I can do this by myself, I do not have the tools for one.Looks like the whole sink apparatus has to come out to get to the underneath portion of the faucet.How much do you guess this will cost? Just to replace this rubber seal that will probabl cost $1.00.Thanks.
Hello, as odd as it may sound, parts will be cheaper than a plumbers labor. If you don't feel comfortable working on this repair, I understand, do hire a licensed plumber. Depending on the are you live in, I would guess 75 to 125.00 labor. This is if no issues arise while getting to the bad washer. If you know the brand of faucet, call a few local plumbers, ask for a rough estimate to replace the washers for that faucet. You will get a general cost for your repair. Best of luck
I am trying to replace my kitchen faucet. I have done this before, but never at this house. I can not for the life of me get the old faucet out of there. The nuts are too old and rusted, I have tried a high quality penetrating oil, that didn't seem to work. I am also not too comfortable using a torch, so that's out of the question. There was advice on another website that said just to use a good drill and drill through the nuts since I'm replacing them anyway. I'm not sure if this is really a good idea, but I am at my wits end!The other problem I'm having is I can't figure out how to get the old mounting parts off either. I can take pics with my phone if anyone needs to see them.Any help would be appreciated!!
I take care of 16 house with multimple bathrooms and kitchens. In this situation, having exhausted the other suggestions, we would remove the sink from the countertop and then work on it on the floor, upside down, with all the room and tools. It's frequently only a couple of screws holding it down.