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on the boardship these are the type of machinery found, what are their differences and examples.
This Site Might Help You. RE: what is the difference between ancillary and auxiliary machinery.? on the boardship these are the type of machinery found, what are their differences and examples.
What are the major related courses in the university?
And the mechanical design and manufacturing (ship machine manufacturing process and equipment), electromechanical integration, welding technology and automation, chemical test and quality inspection technology (welding quality detection), automotive command, UAV application engineering, railway vehicles, mechanical and electrical equipment operation and maintenance, and application of thermal power equipment, aircraft manufacturing technology application engineering numerical control, etc..
Like gears, pulley's and stuff. But not in a technical way, because before I make proper technical designs I need to be able to do rough sketches (don't ask why).
try okorder /
Hi so I was just curious if I could get a good strength training workout without the machines like where you push with your legs or the machine where you pull the bar down and it pulls the weights up, I want to know if I can get a good daily workout with just my dumbbells and my bench, Detailed answers are greatly appreciated, any links to websites maybe? In advance I greatly appreciate helpful answers, thank you!
Yes. I always prefer free weights to machines. That's not to say machines can be of benefit though... The machine where you 'pull down' isn't necessary. As an alternative, you could just do weighted chin-ups. The leg press machine is also replaceable with squats, lunges, etc. Machine exercises can be useful, but you can get by without them. *I'd highly recommend investing in a weight rack. It'll help with squats, shoulder presses, and other things.
Why don't you try typing expanded metal machinery on yahoo.
What kind of technology or machinery is used in the dental office for basic procedures (such as fillings,cleaning, extractions, crowns, bridgework, dentures, etc..)If you're familiar with any of them, please let me knowww....Will give you a Best Answer ...thanks
Lasers are a real big thing in dental offices, they are minimally invasive, which means they take away the least amount of your natural tooth structure, and they are very precise. you get to keep as much healthy tooth structure as possible and you still get fillings done. we use ultrasonic cleaners to clean your teeth. for crowns and bridgework there is a, new to america and canada, machine called Cerec in office crowns. you get your crowns or bridges in one sitting rather than two, the crown gets madein the office, rather than being sent to a lab, and its made outta material taht is closest to natural tooth structure as possible. also digital x rays deliver 1/8 the amount of radiation compared to traditional x ray machines. check out your local dentist listings for an up to date in technology dental office.
I'm doing a paper and I need to know how space exploration influenced movies around the Apollo era. What technological advances (such as the satellites that appear in the movies) were used in Star Wars?
Very little, if any. Remember that this is Hollywood and that means any resemblance to accuracy for science and engineering is an afterthought or relegated to the waste basket when the accountants arrive with their knives and clipboards. To get a more realistic view of space from films you would have to go for 20001 - A Space Odyssey, not much else really. People who quote Star Trek for some of the advances of our own civilization are usually wishful thinkers, a TV series (no matter how well made - or badly) does not generate a major research push on any communications device, it was already happening it just happened to take a decade longer than expected - we had to wait a while for miniaturization and the right materials.
I would like an example workout routine thank you! :)
I like to take a deck of cards and make each suite represent a certain workout of my choice, and the number of the card tells me how many of them to do. for example: hearts = minutes of jogging in place, or anything cardio spades = pushups or anything upper body clubs = crunches or anything mid section diamonds = squats or anything lower body. and then for face cards jacks = 11 queens = 12 kings = 13 aces = 14 joker = 15 of everything It's like a game where the object is to get through the entire deck.