Cast Iron Valve

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The working principle of the vacuum check valve
A vacuum check valve is a valve that automatically prevents fluid from flowing back. The disc of the check valve is opened under the action of fluid pressure, and the fluid flows from the inlet side to the outlet side. When the inlet side pressure is lower than the exit side, the valve automatically closes under the influence of fluid pressure, gravity and other factors to prevent fluid flow backwards.Vacuum check valve according to the structure, can be divided into lifting check valve, swing check valve and butterfly check valve three.
Check valve note BC/PISTON: SPR-L what does that mean?
BC==Bolted Cover/ bolted bonnetPISTON== lifting typeSPR-L==Spring-loaded/ is loaded with springsTogether, it is: a spring-loaded check valve. Bolted bonnet (this is common)
How can the check in the faucet prevent water from flowing backwards?
Not to prevent backflow, is able to quickly shut the water, for triple bathtub, can effectively stop the conversion between the bath and small shower water, there is a spring, when the water pressure will be water, a small amount of Water Leakage was shut up
What does the check valve "H41F" mean?
According to the provisions of the JB/T 308-2004 valve type programming method:H== check valve4== connection: flange type1== structure form: lifting typeF== sealing surface material: fluorine plastic
Should the pressure gauge be mounted before or after the check valve at the back of the pump?
It should be the valve behind the exit because it can be replaced easily if damaged
Which type of check valve should be selected for vertical pipes?
The check valve on the vertical pipeline shall ensure that the spool goes back to its position when the fluid is stationary and reversed.Optional:Butterfly check valves, pipes of low pressureVertical lift check valve, high pressure resistance, good tightnessSwing check valve: flow must be from the next up, the pipe diameter is unlimited
Back pressure valve and check valve difference
Oil is generally put into the wells of the check valve calling back pressure valveCheck valve is a general name, mainly lifting type and swing type.
What kind of valve does the check valve belong to?
1. check valves are automatic valves;2., if the valve is cast iron, can be cast iron valves; if the valve is cast steel, can be cast steel valves; of course, can also beIn copper valves, stainless steel valves,,,,,,,3., if used in steam, can belong to the steam valve