500 Watt Solar Power Inverter

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Which is more energy saving by using 24V500W transformer lighting and 220V500W lighting?
See whether the lamp power saving, can not see whether it has a transformer, but to see the light efficiency of the lamp, that is, the ratio of light flux to power!Popular speaking, that is, spend the same electricity to see who sends more light!So, when comparing, ask what the light is, then judge again!The luminous efficiency unit is LM/W
Who knows how big transformers and lines the 36V transformer uses in lighting?
Depending on your load capacity, primary voltage, site reservation, etc.. For example, 3.6KW lighting, with 4KVA transformers, the primary side 380V with 2.5 square (copper wire) enough, two times the side of 25 square.
The difference between lighting transformers and control transformers
A control transformer is a low voltage appliance, usually used as a power supply or part of a lighting for the control of electrical equipment such as machine tools. There are usually two different voltage outputs,
How to use digital multimeter to detect the quality of 36 volt low voltage lighting transformer?
The number of tables in this table is increasing when the table rings to show 1.Method 2 is only to measure the capacitance is good or bad, can not be measured capacity.
3 24V100W lights, I need to use a large capacity transformer (220V change 24V)?
The quality of transformer itself, coupling coefficient, overload capacity, as well as the impact current of the bulb, filament, cold resistance and simultaneous startup factor, it is better to choose the 400VA transformer
Please tell me how to calculate the transformer in the lighting circuit of elevator shaft in building electrical design
Because of the brightness of the 36V safety voltage lamp brightness in the overhaul work is not enough, so now the well lighting design should not be 36V, and replaced by 220V, and only need to add a leakage protector on it.
Why the 21 lighting transformer must double winding type safety isolating transformers, prohibited the use of autotransformer.
Double winding type safety isolating transformer load end and the power supply terminal is not connected, is safe, and autotransformer primary winding of a share, it is directly connected with the power supply end of the power, not safety.
How many A leakage protection switches are used in 5000VA lighting transformers?
It is widely used in the electronic industry or industrial and mining enterprises, in the machine tool and the mechanical equipment, the control power of the general electric circuit, the use of the power supply of the safety lighting indicator lamp.