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Refractory linings for electric arc furnaces are designed to withstand the extreme operating conditions within the furnace. They are typically made from high-quality refractory materials such as magnesia, alumina, and chrome. The lining design takes into consideration factors such as thermal conductivity, resistance to thermal shock, erosion and corrosion resistance, and structural integrity. It also accounts for the specific requirements of the electric arc furnace, such as the positioning of electrodes and the flow of molten metal. The goal is to create a durable and efficient lining that can withstand the intense heat and chemical reactions occurring inside the furnace while minimizing downtime and maintenance costs.

Bauxite is a key ingredient in the production of refractory materials due to its high aluminum content. The presence of aluminum oxide in bauxite enhances the refractory properties of these materials, such as high melting point, chemical resistance, and thermal stability. Bauxite also helps to improve the strength and durability of refractory materials, making them suitable for use in high-temperature applications such as furnaces and kilns.

The raw materials used in the production of basic refractories typically include magnesia, dolomite, chrome ore, alumina, and graphite.

The main sources of corundum in refractory raw materials are bauxite and alumina.

We offer competitive prices, reliable delivery, and excellent customer service. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and find out how we can help you with your Raw Materials For Refractory needs in Togo.