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Q & A

Yes, mineral wool insulation is generally resistant to rodents. Its composition and density make it less attractive for rodents to nest or chew through compared to other types of insulation like fiberglass or foam. However, it's important to note that no insulation material is completely rodent-proof, and proper sealing of entry points is still necessary to prevent any potential rodent infestation.

Mineral wool is known to perform exceptionally well in terms of thermal resistance, as it has a high R-value. The R-value measures the material's ability to resist heat flow, and mineral wool typically exhibits a higher R-value compared to other insulation materials. This makes it an excellent choice for enhancing energy efficiency and maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature.

Yes, mineral wool insulation contributes to improved indoor comfort. It has excellent thermal insulation properties, helping to regulate indoor temperatures and reduce heat loss or gain. Additionally, mineral wool insulation is effective in soundproofing, reducing noise transmission from outside sources, and improving acoustic comfort within a building.

Yes, mineral wool insulation can have a positive impact on building acoustics. It is known for its excellent sound absorption properties, reducing noise transfer between rooms and helping create a quieter indoor environment.

Our team is equipped with extensive knowledge of the local industry and can assist you in selecting the right Mineral Wool products for your specific requirements. Whether you are in need of thermal insulation for buildings, acoustic insulation for soundproofing, or fire-resistant insulation for safety purposes, we have a wide range of high-quality Mineral Wool products to meet your needs.

In addition to product supply, we also offer sales support, providing competitive pricing and timely quotations for your projects. Our dedicated team will work closely with you to understand your requirements and provide customized solutions to meet your budget and timelines.

Furthermore, we understand the importance of technical support in ensuring the successful implementation of Mineral Wool products. Our team of experts is available to provide technical guidance and assistance, helping you navigate any challenges you may face during the installation or application process.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, one of the largest building materials companies in the world, we have access to a vast network of resources and expertise. This allows us to deliver exceptional service and value to our clients in Lesotho.

Contact us today to discuss your Mineral Wool needs in Lesotho and discover how we can help you achieve your project goals with our comprehensive procurement services and market expertise.