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A backhoe is a versatile excavation machine that is primarily used for digging, lifting, and moving materials. It is commonly used in construction, landscaping, and agriculture to perform tasks such as trenching, digging foundations, loading and unloading materials, and clearing debris.

High-reach excavators are used in demolitions to safely and efficiently bring down tall structures or buildings. Equipped with an extended boom and specialized attachments, these excavators can reach great heights and have the necessary power to demolish various materials, such as concrete, steel, and brick. Their long reach allows them to work from a safe distance, reducing risks for operators and nearby structures. High-reach excavators are often used to dismantle multi-story buildings, chimneys, bridges, and other structures that require precision and controlled demolition.

The purpose of road headers in construction is to excavate tunnels and underground spaces efficiently and safely. They are specifically designed machines that use rotating cutting heads to break through rock and soil, allowing for the creation of tunnels, mines, and other underground structures.

There are several types of hydraulic breakers used in construction, including piston type breakers, non-impact breakers, and silenced breakers.

There are three main types of loaders: 1. Preloader: A preloader is a small program that loads the main program into memory before execution. It ensures that all necessary resources and libraries are loaded, allowing the main program to start smoothly. 2. Compiler-Loader: A compiler-loader combines the functions of a compiler and a loader. It translates the source code into machine code and then loads it into memory for execution. This type of loader is commonly used in languages like C and C++. 3. Bootstrap Loader: A bootstrap loader is the first program that runs when a computer starts up. It is responsible for initializing the system and loading the operating system into memory. It is typically stored in the computer's firmware or read-only memory (ROM).

We are a Construction Machinery supplier serving the Japan, mainly engaged in the sale, quotation, and technical support services of various Construction Machinery products in the Japan region. We are a subsidiary platform of the Fortune Global 500 company CNBM, able to provide you with one-stop Construction Machinery procurement services in the Japan. Not only do we have a wide range of Construction Machinery products, but after years of market development in the Japan, we can also provide valuable experience for your projects.