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Q & A

Mineral wool is highly effective in reducing energy consumption as it has excellent thermal insulation properties. It acts as a barrier against heat transfer, preventing the loss of heat during winters and heat gain during summers. By providing better insulation, mineral wool minimizes the need for heating and cooling in buildings, thereby reducing energy usage and associated costs. Additionally, mineral wool also aids in soundproofing and fire resistance, further enhancing its performance in reducing energy consumption.

Mineral wool contributes to sustainable building certifications in several ways. Firstly, it is an excellent insulator, which helps reduce energy consumption by minimizing heat loss or gain in buildings. This leads to lower energy demands for heating and cooling, resulting in reduced greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs. Additionally, mineral wool is made from abundant and recyclable materials such as volcanic rock or slag, making it a more sustainable alternative to traditional insulating materials. Its production process also consumes less energy compared to other insulation options. Moreover, mineral wool is non-combustible and has high fire resistance, enhancing the safety and durability of buildings. This can contribute to certifications that prioritize fire safety and resilience. Overall, the use of mineral wool in construction can help buildings meet sustainability criteria, such as energy efficiency, environmental impact reduction, and improved safety, leading to the attainment of sustainable building certifications.

Yes, mineral wool is generally resistant to vibration. It is known for its excellent sound insulation properties, which also contribute to its ability to dampen vibrations.

Mineral wool insulation is a highly effective and versatile type of insulation that compares favorably to other types. It offers excellent thermal and sound insulation properties, is fire-resistant, and has a high melting point. Additionally, mineral wool is non-combustible, durable, and can be easily recycled. Compared to other insulation materials like fiberglass and foam, mineral wool provides better fire protection and sound absorption capabilities.

Yes, mineral wool can be recycled. It is a versatile material that can be shredded and reprocessed into new mineral wool products or used as a raw material in other industries. Recycling mineral wool helps reduce waste and conserve resources.

Whether you are looking for insulation solutions for residential, commercial, or industrial applications, our Mineral Wool products are designed to meet your specific requirements. We offer a wide range of Mineral Wool products, including batts, boards, blankets, and loose-fill insulation.

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing excellent customer service. We can assist you with product selection, provide competitive quotes, and offer technical support throughout your project. Whether you need assistance with installation techniques, thermal performance calculations, or fire resistance ratings, our experts are here to help.

As a subsidiary of CNBM, a Fortune Global 500 company, we have access to a vast network of resources and expertise in the construction industry. This allows us to offer high-quality Mineral Wool products at competitive prices. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has earned us a reputation as a trusted supplier in the Armenian market.

Whether you are a contractor, architect, or building owner, our team is ready to assist you with all your Mineral Wool needs. Contact us today for sales, quotes, or technical support services in Armenia.