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Where is the car's hood in the car?
And some super sports car is a small engine in the engine, the hood behind the driver.
How to open the new treasure to the hood ah
Usually in the driver's left side of the steering wheel below you look at a pattern pull or click on the front of the middle of the pull to open it!
Recently hot weather, want to add water to the tank, but do not know how to open the car before the hood, looking at the left side of the driver's seat in the open box near the switch to find, are not found. Please tell me the master in which the specific location. Lifan 520.
The vast majority of car hoods on the market are on the side of the driver's side.
Audi's front cover how to open ah
Fight by hand
How does the hood in front of the car open?
The steering wheel will have a handle at the bottom left, pull the front cover to open the lock, to the front of the front cover lift a little, see the following can pull a small pull to open it
Car hood material
Automotive hood material is generally made of rubber foam and aluminum foil material, in reducing the engine noise, can simultaneously isolate the heat generated by the engine work, effectively protect the hood surface of the paint, to prevent aging.
Car under the hood introduced
In fact, the layout of each car's engine compartment are not the same to tell you about the introduction of a car to another car you may not clear So if you really want to know, or first understand the general under the hood which Parts if you have time to go to some car four S shop turn a turn those sales advisers will introduce you to call them to open the hood and then you can ask them one by one what is the role and how many different High and low brand of the store to see this in kind to explain more understand and remember the good luck
What is the hood
Oh, it is best not to mix your car industry. I am nine years old