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I'm curious, for those who have had solar panels installed on the rooves of their houses:How much did you pay? How much energy do the panels produce? Did it dramatically cut down on your electricity bill? Was it worth it? Thanks!
Is an SUV worth it? I have passed many of them off in the ditch while my 2wd truck keeps going on icy roads. Unless you own a company and need the SUV it will never pay for itself. Is a huge house worth it? I can live in a 8X6 foot house perfectly well. Unless you rent rooms out in the large house it will never pay for itself. Solar panels are statements to others like a house or vehicle, except they will actually pay for themselves over many years. Don't expect to get rich off them, but look at it as doing your part to cut down on pollution, become more self sufficient or whatever. The exception is if you build a house far from the grid. A friend was quoted $40,000 per mile to install grid tied power to her house out in the woods. Solar panels paid for themselves the first year there.
Maximum size of solar panel i have to use is - 8 * 5 feet - this is the limitation given to us.
As in the reply to the other version of your question - you should be able to get that wattage much of the time during full daylight from the area you specify, but your location, weather, and ability to mount the panel(s) at the best angle to the sun at time you most need the energy (winter? summer?) Instead of going with guess work on the efficiency of the panels you are considering, the people who want to sell you panels (or their website) should be able to tell you from the angle of your mount (roof?) and location, etc., an estimate of the average and maximum power available and the kWH during various seasons. This has to be known for either buying the batteries for storage or knowing the economics of feeding back into the grid, depending on the method used.
The impact of roof pitch on solar panels' efficiency is significant. A steeper roof pitch allows for better solar panel orientation towards the sun, maximizing the amount of sunlight they can capture. This leads to increased energy production and higher overall efficiency. However, a flatter roof pitch can still be suitable for solar panels, as long as they are properly tilted or mounted to optimize sun exposure. Ultimately, the ideal roof pitch for solar panels depends on factors such as geographic location, climate, and the specific solar panel technology being used.
i want to instal solar ligth in my garden
There are MANY garden lights with built in batteries and solar panels that you just need to stick in the ground. There are also self contained units that are wall mountable. THAT way there is no need to run wiring, use battery stacks, etc. and will also probably be less expensive overall.
The average size of a residential solar panel system is typically between 5 to 10 kilowatts (kW), depending on the energy needs and available rooftop space of the home.
Looking to install solar panels in my house.
Wholesale prices for BP solar panels range between $335 for the 40 watts panel to $835 for the 70 watts panel. Here's a brief listing of wholesale prices for BP solar models: - BP340J solar panel (40 watts) @ $335 - BP350J solar panel (50 watts) @ $37 - BP375J solar panel (80 watts) @ $504 Right now I'm getting a series of 50 watt (7.5 volts) panels installed in my house. It's a start to reduce dependence on electricity bills and try get some tax rebates as well.
What is the most affordable, yet highest watt solar panels available?
in case you raise a dumb-bell a undeniable style of feet, you have expended a undeniable volume of potential, does this variation if the gymnasium exchange into on yet another floor of the construction? Grounding is needed for defense and to dodge floor loops from happening, the quantity of potential produced would not exchange and any adjustments in potential will bring about a risky floor loop attempting to equalize it.
Yes, solar panels can be used in remote areas with no access to the grid. Since solar panels generate electricity from sunlight, they can provide a reliable and sustainable source of power in off-grid locations. By harnessing the energy of the sun, solar panels can charge batteries or directly power electrical devices, making them an ideal solution for remote areas without access to the traditional power grid.