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the famous Bird Girl statue has an additive or subtractive techique?
Subtractive sculpture involves cutting away hard materials to make an image. This was not the case for the Bird Girl sculpture. It was originally a plaster cast, meaning that it accords to the concept of an additive technique as one were soft materials are used (wax, plaster, plasticine) and details can be easily added or changed. So, although four bronze statues were produced from the plaster original, I would still say that the work was produced by means of an additive technique. Check out the defintions at these sites: . .
Differences between extreme pressure additives and lubricating additives
Adding one or more compounds in the lubricant to give the lubricant a certain characteristic or to improve some of the properties already present in the lubricant. The role of additives is to improve the performance of base oils and to add new properties. Existing properties include: viscosity, viscosity index, pour point and oxidation resistance. New features include: cleaning and suspension capacity, abrasion resistance and corrosion inhibition
Is the cyclamate a legitimate additive? Eat more will not be harmful?
GB2760-2007 "food additives use health standards" stipulates that puffed food, small fried food in the production of sodium cyclamate and saccharin should not be used, benzoic acid and sorbic acid.
Can you make the chicken grow up with no additives
Called bulking agent
-5/10, 13/6, -4/1Please Explain how to give these fractions a multiplicative and additive inverse! Help!
multiplicative inverse is the same as reciprocal. It is what you multiply the fraction by to get 1. -5/10 ---- -10/5 13/6 ---- 6/13 -4/1 ---- -1/4 additive inverse is what you add to get 0, so basically it is just the opposite sign: -5/10 ---- +5/10 13/6 ---- -13/6 -4/1 ---- +4/1 that's it! ;)
What are the primary and secondary additive and subtractive colours?
Additive: Red, Green, Blue (you add them to black to make a full range of colors) Subtractive: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow (you subtract them from white to make a full range of colors, except for black. Your printer is going to need a cartridge of black ink too)
Whether the margarine is a food additive
Chinese professional standard definition: artificial cream refers to the refined edible oil to add water and other accessories, by emulsification, quenching and kneading with natural butter characteristics of the plastic products.
what is additive inverse?
The additive inverse of a number is that number which would be added to it to reach a sum of zero. It is also called the opposite, because (except in the case of zero) it has the same magnitude, but opposite sign. additive inverse of 7 = -7 additive inverse of -5 = 5 additive inverse of 0 = 0