Thin Film Solar Module

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Where can I find the info (sites) that clearly gives the anatomy of a solar panel?Likewise, I want to know where can I find (sites) the solar panel that produces 3.75 v? Thank you very much!!!
You've probably seen calculators that have solar cells -- calculators that never need batteries, and in some cases don't even have an off button. As long as you have enough light, they seem to work forever. You may have seen larger solar panels -- on emergency road signs or call boxes, on buoys, even in parking lots to power lights. Although these larger panels aren't as common as solar powered calculators, they're out there, and not that hard to spot if you know where to look. There are solar cell arrays on satellites, where they are used to power the electrical systems. You have probably also been hearing about the solar revolution for the last 20 years -- the idea that one day we will all use free electricity from the sun. This is a seductive promise: On a bright, sunny day, the sun shines approximately ,000 watts of energy per square meter of the planet's surface, and if we could collect all of that energy we could easily power our homes and offices for free.
There are many other controllers, you just need to get a sense for the limitations and make sure you are working within them. Controllers are not that hard to hook up, two connections simply go to the battery, plus and minus. Then the other two go to your panel. I like to put a switch at the panel output, leave it off while you are hooking up the panel side wiring of the controller, then when you are sure everything is connected properly, and you have some kind of battery power indicatioon at the controller, throw on the panel switch and see if it is charging. Remember that a panel is a power source, and connecting it to the controller while it is in the sun is like hooking up a car headlight while the lights are turned on. Another option is to wrap the panel in a blanket and put it in the shade while you are connecting it up. Your panel has a max amp rating, Imax, which will likely be around 5 or 6 amps at that voltage and wattage. Number 4 romex will work for that, as well as medium duty AC extension cord wire, if your run is less than 30 feet or so. Take care Steven, Rudydoo
So I'm trying to figure out what to ask for my birthday because its one of the few times I can get stuff for no reason, like stuff I don't normally go to the store to buy. (i dont go to the store to get much at all anyway).Anyway, I'm interested in solar panels and led and electronics and i was wondering if there is anything not over expensive that would be cool. Some things I'm interested in:solar, wind, water energyGadgets (multitools, swiss army knives)Vibram fivefingersdrawingmaking stuff (duct tape wallets, stuff out of altoids containers)basically technology and outdoors-gear stuffoh and im 6 turnin 7 male.
solar panel is expensive, but small solar panel is not expensive, for example, 5w solar panel, solar light also not expensive led light also not expensive. i am not sure about other stuff that you said
Ok, so my homework was to research and write about how solar panels and solar furnaces work and about their construction. We didn't even take one lesson on it in class and we are not allowed to copy and paste much and have to keep it simple wtf? Its soo annoying as we have hardly took it in class. Please can someone help.
Well solar panels conduct electricity from the suns waves and turns it into dc current then it is either put into a grid tie inverter to change it to AC and it makes you meter go backwards instead of forwards. or if its not a grid tie inverter it is just put into batteries as dc then changed into AC from the inverter and then used for household appliances. nothing really does run on DC that is why it has to be changed. and for solar furnaces if you mean a water heater that works by a substance here in Pa its antifreeze is heated up by the sun in the panel it is in a continous loop and that is what gets heated up the water then flows over tow of the tube that contains what ever substance such as antifreeze and heats the water.were the water and the tube that changes the water from cold to hot is called the heat exchanger. the substance is actually get heated first then the water. solar heating for water accounts for 29% of water heating in the us. Now if you mean solar furnace as in passive solar thats completely different because here in Pa if we want it our houses have to face to south to get the suns rays. (alot more windows) and there is a cement slab placed only on the south side of the house and it has insulation covering it. There is a certain type of glass that is used for this that will allow the suns rays to come in and let the heat in for the summer and also for the winter. the main place for that would mostly be the first floor of the house due to the height of the windows and the angle of the sun(pa in the summer is 73 degrees and in the winter its 27 degrees) thats when the second floor would be ok to heat the rooms. Hopefully i helped and i explained it in a way that you can understand.
Yes, solar panels can be used to power outdoor recreational vehicles. They are an efficient and eco-friendly way to generate electricity for various equipment and appliances such as lights, refrigerators, fans, and even charging batteries. Solar panels can provide a reliable source of power while being mobile and self-sustaining, making them an ideal choice for outdoor recreational vehicles.
I purchased some small 3.6 v 70mA solar panels online. I have no experience with solar panels. I am confident of the layout of the parallel circuit I want to create, however I don't know how to properly connect the tabs that come from the sides of the panels. Any help on connecting them?
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Does San Francisco get enough sunshine to really make solar panels a viable option for creating a self-supporting home? Certainly a wind turbine would be a good source of energy, but what about solar panels? Does S.F. get enough sunshine to justify using solar panels? It's overcast a lot in the Bay Area, are there any solar panels better than others for a climate like this?
Yes, San Francisco gets enough sunshine. That will vary depending on your site location, some are better than others. The best way to find out how much electricity your specific location can generate is to get a quote from a solar company. I am in the process of getting PV's installed on my home in the Sacto area and got quotes from 3 companies. My home is in a good, not optimal possition and depending on where on the roof I place the panels my efficiency will vary. Also depending on the brand of panels, some will take less square footage on the roof to produce the same amount of electricity. The price on all 3 were very close to each other. All 3 companies I dealt with gave a no cost/no obligation quote, and they were are very knowledgeable about the specific utility rebates I would be eligable for. I say it is well worth the time to check it out. My system should be going onto my roof in just a few more weeks. I was able to get nearly 50% of my cost refunded by my utitlity, plus my federal tax rebate. My system should be paid for in about 6 years.
Yes, there are different types of solar panels, including monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film panels. Each type has its own unique characteristics and efficiency levels, making them suitable for different applications and environments.