Solar Powered Portable Battery

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The role of the battery?
Battery is widely used, can be used for ups, electric cars, scooters, cars, wind energy solar systems, security, and so on.
Maintenance-free battery how to detect it?
Check the height of the electrolyte at least once a month. There is no mark line of the battery, the electrolyte added to the plate 10-15mm can be higher; there are two red line of the battery, the electrolyte can not exceed the red line above.
How to determine the battery is good or bad?
Observe the battery electrolyte is turbid, turbidity that the battery positive plate softening. Observe the bottom of the battery whether there is sediment, if the plate off the battery capacity has been inadequate. Hand hit the battery two electrode piles If you hear an empty voice that pole pile and plate break. With a thick wire short-circuit positive and negative pile observation of the battery filling holes, such as the discovery of a bubble appears that the interval has been damaged.
What is the meaning of the battery above 12v65Ah?
12V is said to be the voltage, 65Ah is the current. (A is the unit of current. H is the time unit .1 hours.)
How does the battery increase the voltage?
The so-called battery is the storage of chemical energy, if necessary, the release of electrical energy of an electrical chemical equipment.
What is a maintenanceable battery?
It also has a shock, high temperature, small size, self-discharge characteristics. Life is generally twice the ordinary battery.
How should the battery be well maintained?
Voltage check the state of the battery standard voltage should be maintained between 12.2 ~ 12.7V. If the voltage is too low should be charged, the charge should be kept small charge for a long time. Battery charging need to use a professional charger, the owner will not try to charge their own, the owner can only keep the engine running on the battery can be charged. If the battery aging should be replaced.
How to deal with waste batteries?
The rest of the various types of waste batteries are generally shipped to a special toxic, hazardous landfill, but this approach not only cost too much but also cause waste, because there are many useful raw materials available.