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I just arrived at my cousin's house. He makes his own lamps and things. He uses batteries and circuits and lightbulbs, basically, living in a battery-lit home. Being ridiculously green, he claims its more energy efficient than using the city grid. We got in an argument about global warming, and in short he claimed he was helping by using battery power rather than electrical power. I said that wasn't accurate because batteries, lightbulbs, etc use more power than the grid does because they have to be made using electrical equipment in an electric factory. Am I right? What uses more power?
This debate depends on a few things such as how are the batteries charged, the cost of building the ciruits that operate the devices, the cost of electricity and other factors which I cannot think of right now. Also, are the batteries rechargeable? I would assume so in this case. I suspect that it would take a indeterminate period of time (at this point) for there to be a payoff for a battery run home to be less expensive that a conventionally powered home. Part of a conventionally powered home possibly being cheaper in the beginning would be the mass production of devices. When your cousin says things are powered by batteries, is it a battery bank supplying a converter of DC to AC or are his devices running soley on DC supplies? The best way to resolve the answer is to calculate all the electrical costs that go into powering his home and then also calculate how much it would be to run a similar home on the grid. There might also be a few costs that are left out due to their choices of what to leave out of their home or how they accomplish or forego the luxury of in their home. At this point, there are probably not enough studies available to get a general consenus of which is cheaper. There is also another point to consider which is how often do they have to replace their batteries?
doesnt it release toxins when heated or burned, also why do they use it in cookware, I thought it's supposed to be some high quality plastic that resist heat and deterioration by chemicals, and isnt it also very expensive, but then you see it used on cookware and a bunch of other cheap crap, for example teflon tape, you can buy it at the 99cents store, it cant be that great if they sell it there.
Teflon is used in laboratory equipment and electrical insulation for its resistance to heat and many chemicals. Teflon is a trade name for a variety of fluoro-chlorocarbons, though it's pretty much become a generic term now. It's expensive compared to many other plastics, but some types are fairly cheap, and anyhow, there's not much stuff in a roll of teflon tape or a teflon frying pan. It starts to outgas at around 450°F. Technical applications are usually careful to keep it below that, but in the home, preheating an empty pan can take it to 700° or more, releasing enough toxic gas to kill your pet bird.
I know that means i'll choose my job at basic but does it mean that I could get a job I don't want? I really want to do Biomedical Equipment Tech.
It means while in Basic, you will get a list of jobs to choose from, based on your Electronic line score. The jobs offered will be those you qualify for and that have a Tech School class that starts within about two weeks of you graduating Basic. But you have to understand, in the electronics area, Tech school class's do not start every week, or even every month, some only have 4 or 5 Tech School class's each year. So you will NOT be offered every AFSC, only those with a Tech School class that starts soon after you finish Basic. So there is really no way to tell, if Biomedical Equipment Tech will be offered or not.
I have all my electrical equipment hooked up to 1 HDTV, that is sky, ps3 and computer. Today i noticed that when i change the input mode while booting my computer there is an option next to RGB. This option is either PC or DTV depending on which one i select, what is this? and also which is better?
The two choices are PC Personal Computer or DTV Digital TV. Depending on what you're doing will determine the mode of operation. When in TV mode you use the TV controls to set the width and aspect ration of the display. When you're using the PC the graphics card will normally set the width and aspect ration. Ever notice that when you change resolution on a normal PC monitor that 640X480 uses just as much screen as when it's set to 1072X768. The graphics card adjusts the size. DTV mode will have the internal controls in your TV controlling the size and PC will have the graphics card in the PC controlling it. As I'm writing this another possibility came to mind. You may have an ATSC tuner (digital tuner) built into your HDTV. The TV may simply be asking you which source you want it to look at. In other words do you want to continue watching TV using the internal tuner or switch to looking at the PC information that is now available. Your best bet is to pick up the owners manual and read the section that tells you about hooking up your computer to the monitor. I'm sure that will explain what your asking for.
electrical engineering
use a non contact heat detector. fluke and many others make units that can sense the IR radiation at the terminal and determine the temperature from it.
i am very interested in pursuing a degree in any type of engineer that designs military equipment it can be communication equipment, guns, tanks, grenades, any type of equipment im just wondering what engineer or designer does that type of stuff
To manufacture military equipment all engineering and sciences are used. For capital equipment mechanical engineers, electrical/electronic engineers, manufacturing engineers. For development of new systems scientists of all types. These days things are so complex it is generally a team of multidisciplinary people involved not just one type of engineer
I have heard from a lot of people about the greatness of an EE degree but never got the chance to ask why? So what is so cool about an electrical engineering degree that makes it better than the other engineering degrees out there?
You learn about Electrical Engineering.LOL Check this out
I will go to American in next month and I need to get some pieces of equipment e.gcamera,digital vedio,so I need someone canlet me know how much walt use in u.s.a .Because we use 210 walt in Hong Kong.I need to bring the adaptor or not.Chelsia Leung
120 volt / 60 Hz. Adapter kits should be readily available.