Painting On Aluminum Foil

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if you had snow and all the snow is off your roof and the house nex store has snow do we need insulation?
That is very observant of you. Yes this could indicate that you are losing more heat than normal through your roof. Though, you do want to be careful in the placement of any new insulation, you will want to avoid any vents that are there for ventilation of heat and moisture in the summer and any recessed lighting fixtures as to not cause an overheating problem with them. This is a good investment and it will pay you back in heating and cooling cost for years to come.
do I have to blow insulation in the roof of my mobile home if I install foam insulation under a meatle roof?
Some mobiles have a vented attic and some don't. If your attic is vented, the foam on the roof won't help insulate inside the house. I've blown insulation into a mobile home attic before (vented attic), but some mobiles one can't (not vented attic). There are different variations of attic venting, dictating if you can blow in or not. I would add insulation anyway, if you can, mobiles usually skimp on attic insulation, even if they are "certified".
im thinking of putting rolled felt paper under my metal roofing would that work instead of the reflective insulation instead?
Be careful what you do under your metal roof. We installed foam spray on insulation under ours and now the inspector is saying it's not "to code" and we lost the buyer for our house because of it. Call a metal roof company - they may give you some free advice.
... building code max. (R-50)???
The roof can also be heated enough to melt snow/ice by the sun. I wouldn't assume it's being caused by heat escaping from inside. That said, just because you have R50 doesn't mean it's perfect - it's not. Some heat will still escape. Prefect insulation is not feasible.
hi me and my friends made a lounge out of my old tin roof shed we have a tv speakers and a few other electrical goods... since winters on its way we were wondering whats the best and cheapest way to insulate the place note that its a tin rof but has wood under it where the old indulation used to be the place is pretty chilly and sometime damp plz help we dont wanna be freezing our asses off in there thanks :)
florida fan nailed it. You can't JUST insulate and solve the problem. Insulating only keeps IN a desired temperature once it is introduced. Once the source of temperature change on the inside is gone, the space will gradually take on the temperature of the surrounding environment. You will absolutely need a heat source in order for the insulation to do its job.
do i leave air gap in attic roof for insulation?
The best way to set up an attic is to put a vapor barrier under the rafters (before nailing on the gyproc), then put the insulation (fibreglas batts) between the rafters to full depth (10 or 12 inches). Soffit vents are installed under the eaves at the sides of the roof, and gable vents are placed near the peak of the roof at the ends. This allows for airflow resulting from convection, particularly important in the summer months to remove heat buildup in the attic. If the insulation is adequate, it will not only isolate this heat buildup from the inside of the house in summer, but will prevent heat loss to the attic in winter. (The airflow in winter will be minimal, but will remove any moisture/condensation that might collect otherwise.)
What can i do to add more insulation in a addition in my house?The Roof is flat on this addition (no attic room for insulation there).Looks like it's only 4 or 5 inches thick, starts from the inside with 1/2 inch drywall and the rest is plywood, and then that black sheeting on the outside.IS THERE ANYTHING MORE THAT CAN BE DONE TO ADD MORE INSULATION ON THE OUTSIDE?, (i can't do anything on the inside since the ceiling is already low) SINCE IN THIS ROOM IS VERY HOT, even touching the celing feels warm, PLEASE HELP!
You could build a pitched roof on top of the flat roof.
the roof of my mouth hurts bad.i worked all day with sawdust and insulation this the problem.?
The okorder , and see if I could find out anything there, if not I'd see my doctor. Insulation can get into your lungs and nasal passages and do a great deal of damage. That's why you should always wear a mask when woking with it. I would'nt worry too much about the sawdust.