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Modified Starch 1422 Supplier & Manufacturer from China is a professional Modified Starch 1422 supplier & manufacturer, offers integrated one-stop services including real-time quoting and online cargo tracking. We are funded by CNBM Group, a Fortune 500 enterprise and the largest Modified Starch 1422 firm in China.

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What food belongs to health care products
Its role is to supplement the lack of dietary supply, prevent nutritional deficiencies and reduce the risk of certain chronic degenerative diseases. Such products are limited to supplements of vitamins and minerals. The State Food and Drug Administration published 27 kinds of health food products: (application function is not limited) to enhance immunity function, improve sleep function, chemical liver injury have auxiliary protection, increase bone mineral function
Buy health care products need to pay attention to what issues?
To view product labels and brochures in detail, see if they are "specific people" of the product, or are they "not suitable for the crowd". Elderly, frail or sick patients, children and adolescents, pregnant women should be carefully chosen. Not to measure the price of health food effect.
Food grade and health food grade what is the difference
Healthy (functional) The physiologically active substance in food is obtained by extracting, separating, concentrating (or adding a substance having a high purity) to the desired concentration in the human body, Three functions. Health (functional) The essence of food is still food, although the regulation of the role of a human body function, but it is not the human treatment of disease substances. For healthy people who want to maintain health or prevent a disease, health (functional) foods are a nutritional supplement.
Health care products can cure it?
can be long-term use; and drugs should have a clear purpose of treatment, and a certain indications and indications, Can have adverse reactions, have a specified period of use.
How to choose and eat health food correctly
Then, look at what health care products you choose. Personal advice to increase immunity like. Human body function, immunity is fundamental. Like a carving, first choose a good wood, can become a piece of their own satisfaction, people appreciate the works of art. If you choose a piece of dead wood, if carved
What is health care products why eat health care products
?First, the concept of health care products, the Chinese nation has a long tradition of diet health. For thousands of years, the Chinese nation in the fight against various diseases in the practice of practice, constantly summed up and formed a unique traditional medicine, accumulated a lot of health care experience, formed with Chinese characteristics of health care theory. Ancient "medicine and food homology" theory is actually health food point of view.
Health food, health products, drugs, where the difference between?
Health care products in the packaging and the provisions of the packaging or labels must be marked with a special label of health care products: "blue hat", a similar blue hat pattern, the following four words health food, health food four words below is approved text number. No blue hat and health care product approval number is fake health care products.
Health food and nutritional dietary supplements
Health care products in the nutritional supplement products certified by the relevant departments, the product content of natural ingredients must reach a certain proportion.