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Fire aluminum glass is what glass where to sell
Fireproof glass in accordance with the requirements of the building, such as fire partition isolation, or fire partition interval attachment (closer, etc.)
What is the classification of building materials?
Generally have: progress, quality, safety, cost
Building energy efficiency acceptance of what documents
Technical documents 1.1 through the review of the agency to review the energy-saving design and related technical documents (such as energy-saving design, energy-saving design calculations, etc.); 1.2 exterior wall, roof and hot bridge parts of the insulation construction practices or construction program design and construction plans; 2 Building and insulation materials for the manufacture of specimens 2.1 wall samples: If the ordinary clay hollow brick wall should be asked about 60 ordinary clay hollow brick, such as small hollow block (190 × 190 × 390) wall should obtain 14 blocks and seven small pieces of small hollow block ; Roof test specimen: 0.20 cubic meters of concrete material should be obtained; 2.2 sand: about 200 kg; 2.3, cementing material (cement 30 kg, lime cream 10 kg, etc.); 2.4 insulation materials and installation of insulation materials annex (calculated by 1.5 square meters); 2.5 plaster material and finishes (in 1.5 square meters).
What are the curtain wall materials to do? The beginning of the time
At the same time, the curtain wall project acceptance, but also to the owners to provide "curtain wall use maintenance instructions", in the curtain wall before delivery, but also for the owners of training curtain wall maintenance and maintenance personnel. Curtain wall works other technical and economic documents, in accordance with the "Construction Project Document Archiving Code" (GB / T50328-2001) provisions of the directory filing.
Bidding documents are glass curtain wall, the party has to check the aluminum alloy window, how to do?
Generally fixed on the window lintel, is the top of the entire window.You need the proportion should be on the proportion of solid slip, the slide is the sash of the slide plus fixed, is a dual-use profiles, doors and windows designed to save Material, and it can be made to the sill a chute, you can also fix the above glass. Generally no fixed ratio
What is the construction process of the point glass curtain wall?
First measure whether the steel structure and drawings in line to see if there is no deviation. If there is no deviation in the steel structure on the line to set the location of the mother, the location should be as accurate as possible. And then welding to the mother base. The welding is completed and then the jaw pieces are mounted on the female base, and then the splice fitting is mounted on the hole of the glass, and then the hook is hung up and the screw is tightened. Out of place.
What are the contents of the curtain wall energy conservation project quality acceptance?
Curtain wall energy-saving project quality acceptance includes the following: 1) hidden acceptance requirements. 2) curtain wall materials, accessories, accessories, components of the quality, including insulation materials, glass, shade components, unit curtain wall panels, seals, insulation profiles. 3) materials, accessories, accessories, components witnessed sampling, re-inspection requirements. 4) curtain wall air tightness requirements, laboratory inspection requirements. 5) curtain wall thermal construction requirements, including insulation material installation, steam layer, curtain wall and wall joints, structural joints, structural joints, hot bridge parts, heat sink joints, unit curtain wall between the joints, Water drainage structure and so on. 6) construction and installation requirements, including insulation material fixed, partition thermal bridge, steam layer, ventilation equipment, glass installation, shade installation, condensate drainage system installation.
Residential stone curtain wall design height of not more than 50m to demonstrate it
Not more than 50 meters, do not need expert argument.