Stainless Steel Drill Bits

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Processing materials for aluminum parts, unilateral processing allowance of 0.7 mm, four blade is indeed higher machining accuracy, but the row cutting than the three blade almost
Reaming should be four edged reamer, because it is finished, and the blade is a little better
What is the tolerance of the reamer for 16D4?. How can't you find out in the tolerance list?
D4 seems to refer to the accuracy of the processing hole, the tolerance table can not be found, the highest level is IT7, I also check the 9D4
Hit a circle, beating is 2-3 wire, reaming 16 holes should be little problem. 20-30 spare margins are left, and the reamer is new. But why does this problem arise? Ask the teacher for help!!!
With the stone cutter head repairing
The problem of poor chip removal, special reamer scraps can not be found out. What's the main problem?
The main reasons for the poor chip removal are as follows:1: cutting quantity is too large, feed speed is too fast2: the blade is too many, can change 4 blades for 2 blades3: cutting fluid pressure is too small or blunt point is inaccuratePay special attention to the processing of aluminum material, especially easy to stick knife, pay attention to cutting fluid in placeThe speed of the reamer should not be too high
What's the result of the reaming of the inside hole of the reamer?
1, the reason may be the drill spindle and the workpiece hole is not concentric.2. A rotary tool with one or more cutter teeth for removing thin metal on the surface of machined holes, a rotary finishing tool with straight or spiral edges, used for reaming or repairing holes. A rotary tool with one or more cutter teeth used to remove the thin metal layer of the machined surface. After the cutter processing after the hole can obtain the exact size and shape. Reamer for reaming workpieces have been drilling (or hole) after machining holes, mainly in order to improve the machining precision of hole, reducing the surface roughness, tool is used for finishing and semi finishing machining of holes, generally small machining allowance.
The edge of the reamer and drill bit can cut metal, one is only oriented, and why?
Reduce the cutting heat caused by friction during processing, prevent the bit and reamer from overheating and change the tool material, affecting the service life of the reamer and drill bit.
What are the causes of internal bore runout in lathe reaming?
Workpiece runout error is too large
Mr. Cui, Kong is 9.97. I want to use my 10H7 reamer to reaming the hole with my hand. The book said that small or excessive margin will affect the reaming accuracy, then 0.03 of the margin can also be reaming to hinge it? I don't quite understand why the small margin affects the accuracy of reaming If so, what else would be done with thick hinges and precision hinges?.
Sorry, I just saw your question today. It might delay your work. I'm sorry.1. reaming is mainly to achieve a certain size accuracy, shape tolerances and surface roughness.2. reaming can not or difficult to correct position deviation.3. reaming is the use of multi blade, fixed diameter to ensure accuracy, less margin cutting and appropriate extrusion to improve surface roughness.4. most reamer because of the front angle is smaller, the rear angle is almost zero. The allowance is too long (for example, single-sided 0.015 mm), and it is difficult to cut or strip the excess material.5., if the surface roughness of the previous process is poor, it is difficult to meet the requirements by the extrusion peak.6. reaming can only improve the 1~2 level accuracy. So sometimes to coarse, fine hinge. But it can only reach IT6~7 level.7., when the smaller margin, rolling process can be used to improve the accuracy of the hole. It only causes surface hardening.