Instant Boiling Water Kettle

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I'm having trouble with physics revision and heat transfer. There's a question in the book about whether a boiler should be dark and matt or light and shiny, and I just don't understnad! Can someone explain it to me?
Should be light shiny. A blackbody emits the most energy ata given temperature. Painting it black does not make it a perfect black body but it's better than white. cf. Stephan-Boltzmann law. The formula includes a coefficient expressing the degree to which a body is black. BTW 'black' in this case refers not only to visible light.
I have a worcester bosche thermotechnik 240 CCOMBI Boiler RSF.The downstairs radiator bleed screw needs replacing. How do i do this? Here are my presumptions.Turn Water Off, Drain system, replace screw. Then Im stuck.Theres a pipe that joins the Central Heating Return (second pipe from underneath/left) to the Mains Cold Water In.How do i set the taps for this pipe? After turning water back on? Any help appreciated thanks.
No if the radiator bleed screw need replacing you do not have to drain the whole system shut both taps on the radiator one at either end remove screw this will let some water out so be ready for this when it stops remove the bleed screw replace open both taps bleed radiator Then go to boiler the small pressure gage should be some where between 1.5 and 2 bar if not open the tap on the loop from the mains pipe until the gauge reaches this mark shut off tap job done hope this helps
It is Aruba-ex boiler and the rods that hold the pieces of the heater core is rusted and broken. Then water began through one of the joints.
Its not too difficult to fix since it is a cast iron sectional. The cast iron sectionals have a lifetime warranty on the heat exchanger, but the warranties never cover labor, just parts. It is made by Crown Boilers, but, unfortunately, they use independent contractors, and most of them would rather sell you a new boiler than repair the old one because there is much more profit on a new install. Contact Crown and see who does their warranty work in your area.
I live in a 3 story home with a boiler built in the 70s. I heard there is something you can hook up the boiler to cool the house without central air. If there is such thing, what is it called and where could I buy one? If not what are the best alternative options?
Whoever told you that is misinformed. I have a boiler/radiant heating system. The only thing I have to keep my place cool is fans, window a/c units my big old shade tree. You cannot use your boiler system to cool anything. It's made to get hot heat your home...and sometimes provide your hot water as well.
I worked with a plumbing contractor to put a new steam boiler in my house. As I know, steam boilers need to be sized correctly I verbally verified the sizing with him. Unfortunately, on the install date I could not be home because I just started a new job. He installed a boiler far bigger than I discussed. As well, the boiler documentation states that the boiler will not be warrantied if mis-sized. However, the contract did not state the size. I have withheld payment but the contractor is threatening a lien. Am I screwed?
Should of had it in writing. how did you figure out the sizing. Why would he put in a bigger boiler-They cost more- That means he makes less from the deal if it was after signing the papers. Double check the sizing and try to work it out if there is a problem. Court is not the best way to go. Depending on the state and you lose, you will pay for his fees and interest for the overdue balance. Steam is still around and common. Verify sizing and get it in writing from the proper source and prove voiding of the warranty and you stand a chance. Good Luck.
I have the timer set to come on 3 times a day. Is the gas supposed to come on in between these times? (I dont wanna make the house explode!) I have never seen a boiler before I came to England. Help?
This Site Might Help You. RE: How does the 'boiler' work to heat the house? I have the timer set to come on 3 times a day. Is the gas supposed to come on in between these times? (I dont wanna make the house explode!) I have never seen a boiler before I came to England. Help?
Can a leaking cast iron section of a steam boiler be repaired?
Yes it can. But it takes alot of time.
Hi all,I've had my boiler now for almost 20 months, and over the past two or three weeks, I've had a fault code E133, which means Interruption Of Gas Supply or Flame Failure. I was wondering what the problem could be or what the potental cost is?
I have not seen your boiler before, but, normally they all operate on the same principles. first go to wherever the boiler is, turn off power and turn back on, watch to see if the burners light, if they do and go back out after a few seconds, you most likely have a dirty flame sensor, which is a metal rod that sticks into the flame, you would need to pull this and clean metal surfaces with a dollar bill, something non abrasive, now, if your boiler doesnt light, you could have a bad ignitor, typically, if your watching it and you hear a click and gas comes out and no flame, that would be the scenario, and you could proabably get one locally, or get one from your local contractor. contact me if i can help any further, hope this helps