Cathode Ray Tube Crt Monitor

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Cathode Ray Tube Crt Monitor Supplier & Manufacturer from China is a professional Cathode Ray Tube Crt Monitor supplier & manufacturer, offers integrated one-stop services including real-time quoting and online cargo tracking. We are funded by CNBM Group, a Fortune 500 enterprise and the largest Cathode Ray Tube Crt Monitor firm in China.

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CRT display no images, only show a vertical bright line, how to solve?
Feeling is a hardware problem. Please change the monitor boot test.
Before people say what to do picture processing, CRT display is better, the color of what the display is good, but the time has entered in 2010, this argument is still set up? LCD now has DVI interface, you can directly transfer digital signals, and CRT can only transmit analog signals. Generally speaking, LCD is not as good as CRT display in display What other aspects of the CRT display are better than LCDs? Please do not copy the previous data to answer my question, the answer can be in the form of O (U, u _) O thank you!
LZ, the CRT display is generally better than LCD in color rendering (except for the top), and this is still the case at this stage. This is also one of the fundamental reasons why many property owners are reluctant to replace the old CRT monitor with the LCD monitor. But in addition there is no other advantage, LCD now the price is very low, stable quality, light and beautiful, the most important thing is the "green", the damage is very small, coupled with the technology has not been developed to the end, along with the development of LED Technology (LED as LCD display, LED Bei Guangyuan) LCD display has a trend which cannot be halted to replace CRT. Of course, now OLED is only in R & D, maybe LED display is not universal, but will be replaced by OLED.
LCD or CRT good?
What you think? CRT is an old-fashioned big butt glass tube. LCD is a liquid crystal. Which one do you think is good?. ]
When I CRT some time ago on display only the middle line (horizontal), the Internet look like. What...... and put in a period of time after the boot turned well.. I had... The refresh rate is 85HZ... Is not before. The refresh rate is too high to display stand? I put the refresh rate adjustment back to 60HZ now, do not know do not have this problem? What happens if you turn on a black line in the middle? I don't want to have the electric iron...... go to the shop to repair, arbitrary price, just want you to buy a new...... which user can solve this problem, I appreciate it.
1, as with a hand pushing to normal, is part of a display board field scanning weld or field scanning Trimming Potentiometer due to poor contact, there is a disconnection signal line.2, the signal line can be removed on the old display, look at the board on the socket is the same, and then look at the end of the assembly line, plug part of the line color is the same as the original location, if the same can be directly replaced.3, if not line problems, see if the motherboard has open welding place, if don't understand, don't do it yourself, the monitor after power failure still exist high pressure, careless will be electric shock.
I have several 17 inch universal display, and several 15 inch monitors want to sell, please give us a reference price, and now the purchase price is generally how much ah?
As follows:1, the CRT display has been out of the market, and gradually replaced by LCD and high definition display.2, CRT display recycling price: with understanding, 17 inches in 70 yuan, 15 inches of about 50 yuan.3, according to the location, the display price is also different.
How long can a typical CRT monitor last?Is the price a little longer? My monitor is 770 MAG, not too expensive, bought in March 2006, 850 yuan
As long as a good protection, want to be a lifetime is impossible, but I believe it must be the way you want to, and then not expensiveCheap, as long as the election will be the same OK ah, and the use of not less expensive than!!!!! Hey! Hey!
CRT display hissing is going on? Is it dangerous to use it?
High pressure package ignition phenomenon, looking for repair TV, for you to clean up just fineDon't use it before you fix it. It might burn
My CRT monitor, recently often a red color on the red, and sometimes used to use their own good, after a while and partial red. CapriciousI've tried to turn off the monitor and reopen it occasionally. Most of the time it's not normalI also tried to use the machine's default degaussing effectAlso tried to dust the lid open, and so on. (the sockets of the data lines have been removed too.)You help me analyze what is the problem (used for about 7 years or so, before the founder of the brand machine)Is there any way to solve this problem?Thank you all
Rainy days boot very dark, this is because moisture is too heavy, often open there is no problem. The TV is sometimes like this. In addition, the color of the display is red, there are several possibilitiesFirst, the screen is magnetized, you can check the display around there is no larger magnetic appliances or accessories, if there is, after a few hours away, this problem will not occur. There is the display comes with degaussing function, you click on it.Second, see if the video card is loose or the video line of the monitor is broken and broken. Now, if you have, you can change the root line to solve the problem.Third, may be the display of the temperature control unit there is a problem, is perhaps the only time high temperature caused by the use of capacitor foaming, open the cover check; if there is capacitance blistering is like it, find a same capacitor or compatible change up on the line. This step is a bit complicated. Please repair the TV set if you don't understand it. Basically, the above points can solve the problem. You can do it step by step. If it is because of the hardware, the proposed repair.