9 X 9 Aluminum Foil Pan

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is it safe to put insulation in the corners where the roof meets the wall in attics?fiberglass in corners?
No it is not EVER safe! Roofing material needs to breathe. Anywhere that insulation is applied to the underside of the roof deck the roofing material will warp and then leak. You have to have a cushion of air between the underside of the decking and the insulation
How do I find roofers who are specialised in protection against invaders from outer space. I called 10 and they said they would call me back, but no one did so far. It must be really complicated.
yes it does, only if aliens truly existed have you ever stopped to think that some of these strange flying objects maybe be a VERY TOP SECRET military project, the goverment might be paying millions to the media and people so that they assume its from outer space so that their projects remain secret
should thermal insulation ever be applied directly to the underside of a roof top?
yes its done all the time on metal buildings. works well but expensive.
A roofer who wants to put a new roof on my mobile home says it will dry out. (We live in the rainiest part of the US)
sound like the roofer wants to RIP you off, you Mop or spread a coating not put shingles on it,[A Trailer,] you don,t mess with the insulation, its under the roof. tell him to hit the road he is setting you up for a big mess,
I live in the top most floor of a flat. Is it worth to insulate the roof (from inside) with styrofoam(thermocole) to reduce the airconditioning load. Is it really economical with respect to cost of insulation and savings gained? Any experiences?
You want to insulate at the ceiling joist level, not at the roof-rafter level and provide ventilation for the remaining cavity. You also want to make sure you have the correct vapor barrier. But you do not want to insulate directly below and contacting the roof deck. One of the difficulties with rigid insulation is making it fit correctly and without gaps. So be careful of that. You may have to supplement the rigid sheets with foam spray at the gaps, around wires and pipes and so forth.
do i leave air gap in attic roof for insulation?
The best way to set up an attic is to put a vapor barrier under the rafters (before nailing on the gyproc), then put the insulation (fibreglas batts) between the rafters to full depth (10 or 12 inches). Soffit vents are installed under the eaves at the sides of the roof, and gable vents are placed near the peak of the roof at the ends. This allows for airflow resulting from convection, particularly important in the summer months to remove heat buildup in the attic. If the insulation is adequate, it will not only isolate this heat buildup from the inside of the house in summer, but will prevent heat loss to the attic in winter. (The airflow in winter will be minimal, but will remove any moisture/condensation that might collect otherwise.)
As opposed to other roof structures, such as Mansard or Hipped roofs. If so, is it because there is a lesser distance between the internal heat source and the roof?
No, it really does not matter what type of roof as long as the insulation is well done. But of course in a flat roof it is easier to reach all the points with ease whereas in sloping roof some areas may be inaccessible. But, with blow-in insulation that is not a big problem.
attic is 400 sq ft.there are 4 round 6'' Vents in soffit,and 2 roof vents-12"x12".Rock wool,blown in,R/30 NO VAPOR BARRIER.Why the mold?no gable or ridge vent either.How do i fix this?There are baffles in attic,rafters are not blocked.
Are your bathroom exhaust fans blowing straight into the attic, maybe? Or your dryer vent?