100 Watt Solar Inverter

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3 24V100W lights, I need to use a large capacity transformer (220V change 24V)?
The bulb is used in the two luminescence tube combined type lamp holder, the calculation process is very complex. Different combinations, the secondary voltage is different. Because it is a DC ignition, but also consider the efficiency of rectification, but the total power is constant.
Why the 21 lighting transformer must double winding type safety isolating transformers, prohibited the use of autotransformer.
A set of coils in a autotransformer having one tap that does not function as a barrier. Or, the two sets of coils are attached.
Is the substation separate from the power and illumination transformer?
The power and lighting power supply in the substation need not be separated. In a large capacity power plant, the lighting can be electrically powered to ensure that the generator is stopped. The lighting source is often separated from the lighting transformer and powered by other power supplies.
Why should lighting transformers be used in factories and mines?
But in many cases, such as mines and machinery, the voltage is too high and unsafe. The lighting transformer is then used to reduce the voltage to the so-called "safety voltage""
What type of low voltage transformer should be adopted for safety lighting power supply?
Isolated transformer, once 380V or 220V, two voltage, 36V, 24V, 12V, several categories, do not allow the use of autotransformer.
What transformer can be used in a safety voltage lighting transformer?
220V/36V or 24V isolation transformer. Double winding, high and low voltage coils, not connected.
How to calculate the rated capacity of small transformers for lighting purposes?
If the flow of large capacity motor starting current and welding machine, large current flows in a short period of time in the load even when the power equipment capacity can withstand current flow in a short time, but due to a voltage drop excitation electromagnetic switch relief, the motor can not start, damaged or the undesirable phenomenon of welding. Therefore, the voltage drop rate should be calculated as less than 10% of the supply voltage, as calculated below.
How many can you bring with 220V? How many can you bring with 380V? There are 3 terminals on the transformer. There are 220V, 380V, 0, three terminals. 220V is the 220V terminal and the 0 connection. How can the 380V be connected? Is it 380V and 0 or 380V and 220V?
Now is the three standard power supply, fire, fire and a single, zero line is three 220V, the fire is 380V. 40W lights can be 25.