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Q & A

A road shoulder spreader functions by attaching to a vehicle and spreading material, such as gravel or asphalt, along the shoulder of a road. It uses a rotating spinner mechanism to evenly distribute the material, helping to improve the stability and safety of the road's shoulder.

There are various types of road marking stencils available, including straight arrows, turn arrows, stop signs, yield signs, pedestrian symbols, bike symbols, and handicap symbols. These stencils are used by road crews to create clear and standardized markings on roads and pavements for enhanced safety and traffic control.

The purpose of a road sweeper brush is to remove debris, dust, and dirt from road surfaces, ensuring cleaner and safer roads for vehicles and pedestrians.

A road scarifier is primarily used for removing existing asphalt or concrete surfaces from roads or pavements, in order to prepare them for resurfacing or repair work.

Our team of experts will assist you in selecting the right Road Building Machinery equipment for your specific needs. From asphalt pavers and compactors to road rollers and graders, we have a wide variety of products that meet international quality standards.

When you choose our Road Building Machinery solutions, you can expect top-notch after-sales service and technical support. Our team will guide you through the installation process and provide training to ensure efficient and safe utilization of the equipment. Additionally, we offer maintenance and repair services to keep your machinery in optimal condition.

We understand that every project is unique, and we pride ourselves on our ability to customize our Road Building Machinery products to meet your specific requirements. Whether you need equipment for small-scale road construction or large-scale infrastructure projects, we have the expertise and resources to deliver the right solutions.

At CNBM, we prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to build long-term relationships with our clients. We are committed to providing reliable, cost-effective, and high-quality Road Building Machinery solutions in Uganda. Contact us today for a consultation and let us help you achieve your road construction goals.